University of Virginia Library

Students' Role

When asked if he felt that
students might tend to get shut
out of the selection process
from having to report to the
Board's Committee
"second-hand" through the
Faculty Committee, Mr.
Rinaca said that he was "not at
all worried about student
participation" being effective.

"There's no reason to think
that students won't be able to
have all the input they want in
helping to choose Mr.
Shannon's successor," Mr.
Rinaca continued.

The Council President
declined to comment about
how the election of the
Student Committee might be

Mr. McConnell also has
requested Eli W. Tullis of New
Orleans, President of the
Alumni Association to "ask the
Board of Managers and each
chapter president to submit
advice regarding the office of
President and specific
recommendations to the
Board's Special Committee"