Monday, P. M.
Being assembled, this afternoon, Mrs.
Williams thus resumed her discourse.
“Reading is so common a part of education,
that the value of it is not duly estimated; nor
the manner of performing it, sufficiently attended
to. It is not the mere propriety of pronunciation,
accent, and cadence, which constitutes
good reading. You must enter into the spirit of
the subject, and feel interested in the matter, before
you can profit by the exercise.
“But you are so well acquainted with the
manner of reading, that the quality of books
most worthy of your perusal is the only point
on which I need to enlarge.
“Romances, the taste of former times, are now
so far out of vogue, that it is hardly necessary
to warn you against them. They exhibit the
spirit of chivalry, knight-errantry, and extravagant
folly, which prevailed in the age they depict.
But they are not interesting; nor can they
be pleasing to the correct taste and refined delicacy
of the present day.
“Novels are the favourite, and the most dangerous
kind of reading, now adopted by the generality
of young ladies. I say dangerous, because
the influence, which, with very few exceptions,
they must have upon the passions of
youth, bears an unfavourable aspect on their purity
and virtue. The style in which they are
written is commonly captivating; and the luxurlance
of the descriptions with which they
abound, extremely agreeable to the sprightly fancy,
and high expectations of the inexperienced
and unreflecting. Their romantic pictures of
love, beauty, and magnificence, fill the imagination
with ideas which lead to impure desires, a
vanity of exterior charms, and a fondness for
show and dissipation, by no means consistent
with that simplicity, modesty, and chastity,
which should be the constant inmates of the
female breast. They often pervert the judgment,
mislead the affections, and blind the understanding.
“A melancholy example of this sort is exhibited
in Juliana. Juliana was the only daughter
of a wealthy merchant, who grudged no expense
which could please or embellish his darling
child. He, however, possessed neither leisure
nor abilities “to teach the young idea how
to shoot;” but thought it sufficient that he gave
her every advantage, which could be derived
from the various schools, to which she was consigned.
for books, which, properly directed, might
have proved of great use to her. But, having
no better principles instilled into her mind, she
indulged herself in the unlimited reading of
novels, and every light publication which a circulating
library could furnish.
“Hence her imagination took wing, and carried
her far above the scenes of common life.
The excessive refinement of her mind admitted
no ordinary amusements or avocations. Plain
truth from her own sex was an insult; and from
the other, nothing less than adoration would
fatisfy her unbounded vanity. Her beauty (of
which she really had a considerable share) and
the large fortune which she would probably inherit,
gained her many admirers; some of whom
were men of unquestionable merit. But a sober,
rational courtship could not answer her ideas of
love and gallantry The swain, who would not
die for her, she deemed unworthy of notice.
“Her father strongly recommended a gentleman,
as well calculated, in his opinion, to make
her happy, and as having his entire approbation;
but she rejected him with disdain, though she
could produce no one objection against his person,
or character.
“Her father acquiesced; expressing, however,
his regret at the mistaken notions she had imbibed;
and warning her most pathetically against
all in vain. He was considered as an illiterate
plodder after wealth, which she had a right to
bestow as she pleased.
“At last the lovely youth whom she had so
long contemplated, made his appearance. A military
captain entered the town on the recruiting
service. Young, handsome, easy, bold and assuming;
with all the bon ton of the coxcomb, and
all the insolence of the novice. He saw Juliana;
he sacrificed to her charms, and conquered.
She could not resist the allurements of his
gallantry. His affectation of dying love was
received with apparent pleasure; while art and
duplicity took advantage of her weakness, to precipitate
her into engagements to pity and relieve
him. Her friends saw her danger, and warmly
remonstrated against her imprudent conduct,
in receiving the addresses of a man, destitute of
property to support her, and void of every kind
of personal merit. Her father entreated and implored
the rejection of her lover, till, finding
every other method vain, he at length resolutely
forbade him the house, and his daughter's
company. This was viewed as persecution;
and, consistently with her sentiments of adventurous
love, a clandestine amour was commenced.
Her father surprised them together; and,
enraged at their disgraceful intrigue, seized the
captain, and endeavoured to turn him out of doors.
as he termed it, and defended himself
with his sword. The old gentleman received a
slight wound, in the scuffle; but accomplished
his purpose. Juliana was terrified at this rencounter,
and, dreading her father's displeasure,
ran out with her paramour. His lodgings were
near, and thither, favoured by the darkness of
the night, he instantly led her. She involuntarily
followed him, without considering the impropriety
of her conduct. Here he drew his
sword, and, throwing himself at her feet, professed
his despair, and declared himself resolved
to put an immediate end to his life. She endeavoured
to reason him into calmness; but in
vain. He was sensible, that, if he now relinquished
her to her father, he should lose her
forever. His apparent agony overcame her, and
she gave him her hand.
“Her father was almost distracted at her elopement.
He traced her steps, and, following her
to the house, condescended to soothe her with
parental kindness; and promised her pardon and
continued affection, if she would renounce her
worthless lover, and return. She confessed it
was too late; that she was his wife.
“Petrified with astonishment, he looked at her,
for some time, with speechless grief; and, showing
his arm, bound up with the wound he had
and indignation!
“When the fever of passion had abated, a returning
sense of duty in Juliana, and, in the captain,
the fear of losing the property which hesought,
induced them to seek a reconciliation,
and make submissive efforts to obtain it. But
her father was too highly incensed to grant it
to him, on any terms; or to her, on any other
than the utter rejection of her unworthy companion.
These terms were not complied with.
“Sorrow and vexation preyed so deeply upon
the mind of this afflicted parent, that they
brought on a rapid decline; and he died without
again seeing his undutiful and ruined daughter.
His estate was divided between Juliana and her
four brothers. Her portion was received by her
husband, and soon spent in dissipation and excess.
Having rioted on the fortune of his wife,
while she often pined at home for want of the
common necessaries of life, he left her, to join his
regiment, promising remittances from time to
time, for her support. This promise, however, was
but ill performed; and she now feels the dreadful
effects of her folly, in the accumulated ills
of poverty and neglect. Yet she still cherishes
the most passionate fondness for what has proved
her bane. A friend called to see her, not long
since, and found her the emblem of wretchedness
and sloth. Her emaciated form, her squalid
her tattered raiment, bespoke the shameful negligence
of the owner. Yet she was sitting with a
novel in her hand, over which she had apparently
been weeping. She expatiated largely on the
tale it contained, while her children, who exhibited
a picture of real woe, engaged not her
attention. Her friend enquired how she could be
thus interested and distressed by mere fiction,
while every thing about her was calculated to
arouse the keenest feelings of her soul! She
coolly replied, I have fortitude sufficient to support
my own calamity, but I must sympathize
with the heroine of adversity. I have not lost my
sensibility with my fortune. My only luxury is
now imagination! How ill-timed, and how
improperly exerted, was this kind of sensibility,
in Juliana! Where, and what was her sensibility,
when she disobeyed an indulgent parent,
sacrificed her reputation, and threw herself into
the arms of a worthless man for protection—
from what? from the kindness and love of her
best friends!
“But I would not be understood to condemn
all novels indiscriminately; though great prudence
is necessary to make a useful selection.
Some of them are fraught with sentiment; convey
lessons for moral improvement; and exhibit
striking pictures of virtue rewarded; and of vice,
folly, and indiscretion punished; which may
avoid similar practices. I shall not descend to
particulars. Those, which are sanctioned by the
general voice of delicacy and refinement, may be
allowed a reading; yet none should engross your
minds, to the neglect of more important objects;
nor be suffered to monopolize too large a portion
of your time.
“Novels are a kind of light reading, on which
the imagination feasts, while the more substantial
food which is requisite to the nourishment
of the understanding, is either untasted or undigested.
Imagination is a sportive faculty, which
should be curbed by the reins of prudence and
judgment. Its sallies are delightful in youth,
provided they be not too excursive.
“Poetry is, by some, ranked with novels; but
I think injudiciously. Good poetry is certainly
a sublime source of entertainment and instruction.
What music is to the ear, poetry is to the
heart. There must indeed, be a natural taste
for it, before it can be highly relished or enjoyed;
and this taste, wherever it exists, should be
cultivated. I know of no kind of reading more
richly formed for the mental repast of a liberal
and polished young lady, than the poetical productions
of true genius. The trifling and indelicate
cantos of ordinary witlings, and everyday
poetasters, are unworthy your attention.
But the species of poetry which I now recommend,
excite sympathy, and meliorate the affections. It
soothes the jarring cares of life, and, pervading
the secret recesses of the soul, serves to rouse and
animate its dormant powers.
“Many essays, written by monitors of both
sexes, are extant, which you may find profitable
and pleasing, both in youth and more advanced
age. Among the foremost of these, I mention
Mrs. Chapone's letters to her niece, which
contain a valuable treasure of information and
“But among your hours devoted to reading,
history must not be without a place. Here an
extensive field of ages and generations, which
have gone before you, is opened to your view.
Here your curiosity may be gratified by a retrospection
of events, which, by conducting your
thoughts to remotest climes and periods, interests
and enlarges the mind. Here the various
revolutions, the rise, fall, and dismemberment
of ancient kingdoms and states may be traced to
the different springs of action, in which they
originated. Hence you may gain a competent
acquaintance with human nature in all its modifications,
from the most rude and barbarous, to
the most civilized and polished stages of society.
This is a species of knowledge, which will
not only be of constant use to you, in the government
of your own temper and manners, but
polite and learned world.
“But let your reading of every description be
regular and methodical. Never confuse your
minds by a variety of subjects at once. When
you turn your attention to any one in particular,
finish, and lay that aside, before you take up
another. Let what you read be well understood
at the time, and well digested afterwards.
Possess yourselves, at least, of the leading traits:
otherwise your labour will be totally lost. If convenient,
always recapitulate what you have been
perusing, and annex to it your own sentiments
and remarks, to some friend. If you have no
friend at hand, who will be disposed to hear,
recollect, and run it over in your own thoughts.
This will be a great assistance to memory. But
whatever be the kind of reading which you undertake,
select such authors as good judges esteem
the best, upon the subject. Have a particular
regard to the morality and delicacy of the
books you peruse.
“When you read for mere amusement, (which
should seldom happen) be careful not to corrupt
and vitiate your taste by frothy and illiberal performances,
which will degrade the dignity and
fully the purity of your minds. That time is
very greatly mispent, which is bestowed in reading
what can yield no instruction. Not a moment's
attention should be given to books which
have an eye, therefore, to profit, as well
as to pleasure. Remember that youth is the
feed-time of life. You are now to cultivate that
knowledge, which future years must ripen. Free
from those domestic cares, which will engross
and occupy your minds, when placed at the
head of families, a most inestimable price is now
put into your hands to get wisdom. Now you
may learn; then you must practice.
“Now, therefore, lay up in store some provision
for every exigence, some embellishment
for every station.
“Look upon Elvira. Her acquirements in a
single state have qualified her for a shining pattern
of matronal duties. Her husband's business
abroad prevents him from attending to domestic
avocations; nor need he be anxious respecting
the management of his household affairs. Elvira
is present to every occasion. The superintendence
of her family, and the education of her
children is her delight. Capable of instructing
them in every needful branch of science, and of
furnishing them with every requisite endowment,
she is, at once, their guide, their example,
and their friend. When her husband returns
from the cares and fatigues of business,
with what becoming ease and cheerfulness does
she dissipate the anxiety which sometimes hangs
upon his brow, and exhilerate his spirits by the
In the entertainment of their friends,
how distinguished a part she sustains! Her powers
of mind have been so happily improved, that
she is able to discuss every subject with ease and
propriety. To an enlarged understanding and a
cultivated taste, to an extensive knowledge of the
world and an acquaintance with polite literature,
she superadds those amiable virtues, which give
society its highest relish; while the elegance of
her manners and the modesty of her deportment
are a proof of the greatness of her mind, and
render her esteemed, beloved, and respected by
all who know her.
“But I slatter myself that each of you, my dear
pupils, will be an Elvira. Then will you do
justice to the superior advantages of your education;
be the delight of your friends, and the
ornaments of your country.
“Religious subjects must, by no means, be neglected
in the course of your reading. Let the
Bible be the rule of your faith and practice. If
you wish an explanation of any particular passages,
seek it from some judicious and pious
friend, or in the writings of some judicious and
learned commentator. But always attend chiefly
to those points which serve to mend the heart,
rather than to those knotty, metaphysical disquisitions,
which tend only to perplex the understanding,
and involve the inquirer in such labyrinths
and beyond human concern. The
essential doctrines and precepts of the gospel are
level to every capacity; and upon a life and conversation
governed by these, our hopes, both of
present peace and future glory, must be founded.
“He hath shewed thee what is good; and what
doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly,
and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy