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This is to sartify, that I have, accordin to the direction
of my friend Major Downing, carefully examined
and corrected the spellin of all the Letters published
in this Book and written by him. I find them
to be the rale genuine Letters from him to his friend
Mr. Dwight. The originals in his own handwritin
have been all shown to me by Mr. Dwight, and
there cant be no mistake, as I know Major Downing's
handwritin as well as I do my own; and as a
proof on't, I got the Gravers to copy one of his Signatures,
which may be found at the bottom of the
Picture of the “Downingville folks,” and it is as
much like the original handwritin of Major Downing,
as old John Hancock's is of hisen to the Declaration
of Independence.

And then, too, as to the likenesses of the Downingville
folks, they are all as true as natur.

The Major is on top, and is in his cock'd hat and
regimentals, jist as he looks a training days. The
next head under his nose is old Joshua Downing;
the next below Uncle Joshua is Sargent Joel; and
facin the Sargent is my own likeness, with the likeness
of Deacon Willoby betwixt us. Right above
my own likeness is Peleg Bissel's; and in the middle


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of the hull on 'em is the Deacon's darter. I thought
I best put her as nigh her father and the Major as I
could—and I know it will tickle the Major most desperately;
for he has had a sneakin notion arter her
ever since we had a raisin at Downingville of the
Deacon's fullin-mill; but the Deacon never would
give his consent on 'count of the Major's military notions;
but now that the Major has got up in the
world, the Deacon don't talk so much agin the Major,
but has ben heard to say, if he was sartin the Gineral
and the Major would hold together a spell, he
wouldn't stand agin his darter's goin and joinin the
Government. So there is no tellin yet what will
come on't. That's the talk at Downingville, but I
don't know nothin sartin about it myself; but I
thought it was right to tell all I know, on 'count of
other women folks, who may be curious to know
consarnin sich matters.

As the Major has said a good deal about me in
his Letters, there ain't much use of my sayin much
on that score. I left Downingville shortly arter the
grand tower finished there, and sold off my packin-yard
and moved to this city. I was pretty sartin,
as things was going, there was about to be a shower
of good things among some folks, and that Wall-street
was jest the place to run my net; and considerin
that it has ben pretty tuff times with a good
many, I hain't got much to complain on, seein that
I ain't oblig'd to ride home in an omnibus, or go on
foot nother, every day to dinner; but can go in my
own carraige, which comes down for me jist arter
bank hours. I considered a considerable spell afore


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I made up my mind what to do when I got to New-York.
I found a good many societies here, but ony
one on 'em seem'd to meet my notions—or, rather,
I could ony find one in which I thought I could do
more good than in any other, and that was “The
Society for the Relief of distressed Merchants;
” and
so I join'd that jest in the very nick of time—for I
have ben as busy ever since I join'd it as ever I was
in sortin and packin mackerel when our fishermen
got home.

I thought I would jest mention this whilst my
hand was in, to let folks know where I be, who may
want assistance from this Society. I don't like to
underrate nobody, but I can say, if any one needs
assistance in my line, if they don't say arter gettin it
of me, that they have got it a leetle the slickest,
then my name ain't


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