University of Virginia Library

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The Corporation 
Trustees of the Miller Fund  10 
Alumni Trustees of the University of Virginia Endowment Fund  10 
General Alumni Association  10 
Officers of Administration  11 
Administrative Council  11 
Officers of Instruction  12 
Administrative Committees of the Faculty  16 
Roster of Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers, S. A. T. C., Univ.
of Va. Unit
Register of Students  20 
The College  20 
The Department of Graduate Studies  38 
The Department of Law  40 
The Department of Medicine  43 
The Department of Engineering  47 
Summary of Attendance  53 
Registered in 1917-1918 after January 1, 1918  54 
Recipients of Degrees, June 11, 1918  55 
Holders of Scholarships and Fellowships, 1918-1919  58 
Scholarships  58 
Fellowships  61 
Entrance Requirements  62 
Subjects Accepted for Admission  63 
Admission by Certificate  64 
Admission by Examination  64 
Program of Entrance Examinations  65 
Advanced Standing and College Credit  65 
Conditioned Students  65 
Special Students  65 
Accredited Schools  66 
Regulations  70 
Registration  70 
Residence and Attendance  70 
Conduct  71 
Dormitories and Board  72 
Medical Attendance and Physical Training  72 
Expenses  73 
University Charges  73 
Board and Lodging  75 
Approximate Summary of All Expenses  76 
Scholarships and Fellowships  78 
Scholarships  78 
Fellowships  85 
Licentiateships  86 
Loan Funds  86 
University Prizes  87 
University Extension Lectures  88 
The Academic Schools  90 
The School of Astronomy  93 
The School of Biblical History and Literature  95 
The School of Biology  95 
The School of Chemistry  97 
The School of Analytical and Industrial Chemistry  98 
The School of Economics  99 
The School of Education  102 
The Schools of English Language and Literature  104 
The School of Geology  105 
The School of Germanic Languages  108 
The School of Greek  109 
The School of History  110 
The School of Latin  110 
The School of Mathematics  111 
The School of Applied Mathematics  112 
The School of Philosophy  112 
The School of Physical Training  114 
The School of Physics  114 
The School of Public Speaking  116 
The School of Romanic Languages  116 
The College  117 
Entrance Requirements  117 
Regulations  118 
Requirements for Degrees  121 
Schedule of Lectures and Examinations  126 
S. A. T. C. Programs of Study  127 
S. A. T. C. Courses of Study  129 
Department of Graduate Studies  133 
Entrance Requirements  133 
Regulations  133 
Requirements for Degrees  134 
Expenses  136 
Schedule of Lectures and Examinations  136 
Department of Law  137 
Entrance Requirements  139 
Outline of Courses  143 
Table of Courses  146 
Schedule of Lectures  147 
Schedule of Examinations  148 
General Regulations  148 
Department of Medicine  152 
Entrance Requirements  153 
Facilities for and Methods of Instruction  157 
Regulations, Expenses, etc.  158 
Courses of Instruction  162 
Facilities and Opportunities for Research  168 
The University of Virginia Hospital  169 
The Out-Patient Department  171 
University of Virginia Hospital Training School for Nurses  171 
Department of Engineering  172 
Entrance Requirements  173 
Programs of Study  174 
Courses of Instruction  175 
Schedule  188 
Program for Degree Courses  189 
Expenses of Regular Students  190 
Examinations and Reports  190 
Regulations  191 
Advanced Standing  192 
Drafting Rooms  193 
Shops  193 
Experimental Engineering Laboratories  193 
Field Work in Civil Engineering  195 
Electrical Engineering Laboratory  196 
Buildings  196 
Lecture Hours and Examinations Days  198 
Summer School  199 
Summary of Attendance  199 
Announcements  199 
Fees  199 
Expenses  200 
Summary of Courses Offered  200 
Credits  200 
Credit in Other Colleges  204 
Virginia State Certificates  204 
The University Library  205 
Student Activities  206 
The Virginia Union  206 
Literary Societies  206 
Publications  206 
Religious Work  207 
Young Men's Christian Association  207 
The University Chapel  207 
Physical Training  208 
Athletics  209 
Regulations of the General Faculty Concerning Athletics  209 
Index of Names  212 
Subject Index  228