University of Virginia Library


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The University of Virginia Summer School is conducted primarily
for teachers and students in high schools, academies and colleges. It
takes as its peculiar province, not the ordinary summer institute, nor the
more popular and inspirational summer school, but the solid and substantial
training of high school teachers, college teachers, college students, and
teachers who either have professional and life certificates or wish to
procure them. Because the courses of instruction in high schools
are not clearly defined but merge into the grammar grades below and
into the lower college classes above, the high school offers itself as a
strategic center around which to build up instruction, the emphasis of
which is upon subject matter. The justification of such a summer
school for high school teachers is the unusual activity in the South
just now in behalf of secondary education. The large number of high
school and college teachers attending the Summer School last year is
an additional proof of the need of such a school.

LOCATION.—Charlottesville, the seat of the University of Virginia,
is in a picturesque and healthful situation among the foot-hills
of the Blue Ridge Mountains. It is at the junction of two great lines
of railway, the Chesapeake & Ohio and the Southern, and is thus of
easy access from every part of the country. The sanitary arrangements
of the University are excellent. The climate is invigorating,
healthful, and free from malarial conditions, the average elevation of
the surrounding country being about six hundred and fifty feet above
sea level; the water supply is pure, being drawn by gravity from a
mountain reservoir six miles away; the system of drains and sewers
is complete. One mile from the University is an excellent iron spring
connected with the Jefferson Park Hotel, a much frequented resort.

LABORATORIES AND MUSEUMS.—The equipment possessed
by the University for the work of instruction, alike in Academic and
in the Professional departments, has been much augmented in recent
years, and is now excellent in quality, as well as extensive. In scientific
studies large facilities are offered by the Rouss Physical Laboratory,
the Chemical Laboratory and the Museum of Industrial Chemistry,
the Lewis Brooks Museum, the Biological Laboratory.

LIBRARY.—In addition to the departmental libraries the general
university library is common to all departments. Originally selected
and arranged by Mr. Jefferson, it has since been much enlarged by
purchases and donations, and contains at present upwards of fifty
thousand volumes. Students are allowed the use of the books under the
usual restrictions, and the Librarian is present in the Library for eight
hours daily to attend to their wants.

REST AND STUDY ROOMS.—Madison Hall, the beautiful new
building of the Young Men's Christian Association, which was recently
erected at the cost of seventy-five thousand dollars, will be
open to students of the Summer School from nine o'clock in the
morning until ten at night. Students will have access to the current
periodicals in the reading room during the day and until ten at
night. The other rooms will be used for rest, for study, for recreation,
and for social gatherings. North of the building there are
fifteen tennis courts which will be equipped for the use of the students.


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DAILY GENERAL ASSEMBLY.—Daily from 11:45 to 12:15
there will be a period, in which the students may have the privilege
of attending a gathering of the entire body. At this time there
will be short addresses on some interesting topic, and a brief prayer
and song service, under the leadership of some clergyman or member
of the Faculty. Generally the singing will be choral, under the direction
of the instructor of music, but occasionally, as opportunity
offers, prominent soloists will be procured.

SUNDAY VESPER SERVICES.—Experience has shown that
no Sunday Chapel service held here during the summer has been more
attractive or more appreciated than what has sometimes been called
the Sunset Service. Further advantage of holding this service at
this hour is, that it enables all the Faculty and the students of the
summer school to unite in one common service without at all interfering
with their attending the churches of their choice in the city.
This service, which will always be kept within one hour, will begin
at six-thirty. It will consist of congregational singing and a brief address
by some prominent minister or layman. The pipe organ used
in this service is the work of one of the best organ makers in the
country, and is admirably adapted, both in size and tone, for church

RECREATION.—Provision has been made to keep the Fayerweather
Gymnasium open during the summer, under the control of a
competent gymnasium director, who will give daily systematic instruction
in physical culture. No fee will be charged for these courses
nor for the use of the gymnasium, and it is hoped that every student
will come prepared to take advantage of the physical training courses.
A portion of each day set apart to systematic physical development
will be profitably spent. The swimming pool and baths will be at
the service of the students. The tennis courts belonging to Madison
Hall will also be kept in readiness, duly marked and with nets in
place. The splendid athletic field, one of the finest in the South,
with base-ball grounds and quarter mile running track, will be at the
disposal of those who wish to engage in the manly sports. Within
three minutes walk from the Academic Building, the woods may be
reached. These woods and the neighboring mountains furnish ample
opportunity for pleasant strolls or for longer tramps on the part of
those more vigorous. One of these walks leads to Frye's Spring, a
most efficacious chalybeate spring, which may also be reached by
street car.

EXCURSIONS.—Under the directorship of Professor Maphis,
there will be excursions to neighboring points of interest such as
Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson; the Natural Bridge; Luray
Cavern; the battlefields in Virginia; and any other points to which a
sufficiently large number may care to go. The proximity to Washington
and Richmond (three hours ride to each) should make a visit
to either exceptionally interesting. Saturdays will be reserved for
these excursions.

in this announcement mention has been made of the pipe organ
in Cabell Hall. It is not out of place here to say that this organ,
which has recently been installed, is one of the best products of one
of the largest organ manufacturers in America. It is an antiphonal
organ with fifteen hundred pipes, and exhibits all of the possibilities
of organ manufacture. To bring out all these possibilities requires a


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master organist, and it is the purpose of the management of the
summer school to procure distinguished organists for recitals. Seven
such recitals have been arranged for the coming summer.

Other evening entertainments will be announced during the session
of the summer school.

LECTURES.—Besides the addresses mentioned elsewhere there
will be at least six others, one each week, by such speakers as President
E. A. Alderman, Dr. Chas. W. Kent, of the University, Dr. S. C. Mitchell,
of Richmond College, Dr. Edwin Mims of Trinity College, Dr. Alphonso
Smith, of University of North Carolina, and others whose names will
be announced after the opening of the Summer School.

RURAL LIFE WEEK.—The week beginning July 13th and ending
July 18th will be devoted especially to the problems of rural life in
general, and rural school problems in particular. There will be addresses,
stereopticon views, and demonstrations by various national experts,
upon these subjects. Deputy State Superintendent E. C. Bishop
of Nebraska, who has been favored with such phenomenal success in
this work will be present the entire week. Other speakers will be Professor
K. C. Davis, Dean of the College of Agriculture of the State of
New York, who will teach agriculture for six weeks in the Summer
School; Supt. O. J. Kern, County Superintendent of Winnebago
County, Illinois, and author of "Among Country Schools;" Miss Edith
Charlton, of the Iowa College of Agriculture, Dr. A. S. Knapp, of the
U. S. Department of Agriculture, Mr. T. O. Sandy of Virginia, and several
other workers, among them certain prominent teachers of Home Economics
who will consider the life and work of women in our rural communities.
This work should be especially interesting to county superintendents,
progressive farmers, members of county school boards,
rural school teachers, and officers of the citizens' improvement leagues
of the State. It will be entirely free to the public.

The following are some of the topics to be considered: Agricultural
Education as related to community life; consolidation of rural schools;
visitation of schools; how schools may help farmers; schools of agriculture
and rural life (illustrated); farmers reading courses; reading circle
work; patronizing social events—granges, fairs, shows, school as social
center in winter; spelling schools; school gardens; arbor-day—what to
plant, where, how, how to get it; beautifying homes, beautifying school
grounds; how to keep boys and girls interested in farming; boys and girls
clubs; the farm help problem; parcels post, rural mail, telephone; sanitation
in our homes; sewage disposal on the farm; water supply on the farm;
the farm shop for our boys; care of buildings, machinery, etc.; domestic
science and manual training without funds or equipment; earth roads
and the King drag; dedication of rural homes; permanence of rural
estates—in Old World, value here, relation to fertility; co-operation among
farmers; suggestions to Southern farmers; emergencies—what to do until
the doctor comes.

June 26th and 27th, the Association of Colleges and Preparatory
Schools of Virginia will hold its Summer Conference in the University
buildings. At this meeting the chief topic will be the discussion of
the typical state high school course. A Committee has been considering
this topic for a year, and has met the Association and discussed
it once already. This Committee will submit its final report at this
meeting. All high school and college teachers are invited to this Conference.

CREDIT.—Certificates will be granted in each course in the
University Department to those students who attain a grade of


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75%. This grade will be the average of the recitation and examination
marks. No student will be allowed to take more than three
courses without the permission of the Director. This regulation does not
apply to the School of Methods.

As a rule, students wishing University credit should not attempt
more than two courses in one summer: they must receive in all cases
permission to take more than three. In registering, students should
state what credits they desire, as arrangements for credit must be
made before taking the course. After each course in this catalogue
is stated its credit value in case University credit is allowed for it.
Any course outlined from page to page may be counted
toward the Virginia Teachers Professional Certificate. No credit is
allowed either toward this certificate or toward University courses,
for work done in the School of Methods, except in certain special
courses where permission has been granted by the Director and the
Registrar; in all such cases additional work is assigned and
an additional fee is charged.

1. Professional Certificate.—The following regulations with reference
to credits towards the Professional Teaching Certificate in
Virginia have been passed by the Board of Examiners: "Resolved,
That those teachers holding first grade certificates, who attend the
Summer School of the University of Virginia for two sessions of six
weeks each, and who make an average of 75% on class work and examinations,
in six courses, other than elementary school subjects,
shall be entitled to the Professional Certificate which shall continue
in vogue for seven years, subject to renewals from time to time."
These six courses would necessitate the work of at least two sessions
and must include at least four different subjects.

2. Credit Allowed by Other States than Virginia.—Application
has been made to other Southern States for credit equal to that accorded
by the Virginia Board of Examiners. Credits are now allowed
toward the extension of the certificates by certain other States.
In others the University Summer School instructors are appointed to
hold State examinations. In some other States arrangements may be
made upon application of the teachers from those States. All
persons wishing to arrange for credits with their respective school
authorities should correspond with the Director of the Summer

3. University of Virginia Credit.—Below are stated the conditions
upon which credit in the University of Virginia may be granted for
work done in the Summer School.

(a) The student must satisfy the entrance examination requirements
of the University of Virginia and matriculate before he can
receive credit in the College for any work done in the University of
Virginia Summer School.

(b) The Dean of the College will accept the completion of
the courses in the Summer School in lieu of the entrance examinations
in the same subject, provided that in his judgment the courses
are equivalent to those required for entrance to the University of
Virginia, and provided, that the certificates of courses completed be
approved by the University of Virginia professor concerned.

(c) The Dean of the College and the professor in charge of the
school in which credit is desired will accept certificates of completion
of summer courses in lieu of "A" courses in the University of Virginia,
provided that such summer courses be approved by the University
of Virginia professor concerned as the full equivalent in character and
scope of the corresponding "A" courses in the University.


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(d) Certificates of completion of certain summer courses approved
by the Academic Faculty will be accepted in lieu of portions
of "B" courses, provided that in each case the Dean of the College,
the Faculty Committee on Degrees, and the professor in charge of
the courses for which credit is desired certify in writing that the summer
courses completed are equivalent in character and scope to that
portion of the regular sessional work for which credit is desired.

(e) The character of the examinations and the numerical standard
(75%) required for their successful completion shall be the same
as those of the sessional examinations.

TEACHERS POSITIONS.—The University Appointment Committee
receives more demands for teachers than it is ever able to fill.
This Committee would be glad to have well qualified teachers who are
in attendance upon the Summer School leave their applications with
the Director, who is a member of the Committee.

BOARD AND ROOMS.—Board and rooms may be had at prices
ranging from $3.00 per week, where several stay in the same room,
upwards, according to accommodations, the average being $4.00 per
week. For a list of boarding houses see page 38. Many of these
boarding-houses are situated on, or immediately adjoining the University
grounds. A limited number of students may, upon application,
procure rooms in the University buildings at a nominal
rental to cover actual expenses of furniture and attendance. The
handsome new dining hall on the University grounds is now nearing
completion. If it can be finished before the opening of the Summer
School and if a sufficiently large number apply by correspondence
before June 1st, it will be opened for the benefit of the Summer
School students. The cost of board in the dining hall will not exceed
$4.00 per week. Applications should be made as early as possible.

REDUCED RAILWAY RATES.—All students coming to the Summer
School from points south and west of Virginia should apply several
weeks in advance to their local agents for reduced rates. In case the agent
has received no instructions for selling reduced rate tickets to Charlottesville,
Virginia, the Director of the Summer School should be written
promptly for information. The Southern Railway and the Chesapeake and
information promptly. The Southern Railway and the Chesapeake and
Ohio Railway have agreed to sell round-trip tickets to the University
of Virginia Summer School at greatly reduced rates from all points on
their lines south and west of the Virginia State line. These reduced rate
tickets can be bought only on one of the following dates—June 16th, 18th,
22nd, 29th, July 6th and July 13th. In order that the tickets may be good
for return on any date before Sept. 30th they must be deposited with
Anderson Bros., Agents of the Southern Railway, at the University of
Virginia, within two days after the arrival of the holder of the tickets
and a fee of fifty cents paid for having them extended to the desired
date for returning.

It is expected that all other railways south of the Potomac and east
of the Mississippi rivers will co-operate in these reduced rates. All persons
intending to start from points along other railways than the Southern
or Chesapeake and Ohio should write to the Director for information
several weeks in advance.

No return trip tickets at reduced rates will be sold within Virginia,
as the straight ticket at the unusually low rate of two cents per mile now
provided for by law over all Virginia Railways is as low as the usual
reduced rates. It may be that other rates still lower will be available
at this time. Local agents can usually give information upon this point.


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If not, the Director of the Summer School will supply the requisite information.

REGISTRATION.—Thursday, June 18th, will be devoted to the
registration of students. All students should register on this day: The
Registrar's office on Thursday, June 18th, will be in the South East
rooms of the Rotunda; thereafter, it will be in the entrance hall of
Cabell Hall. The entire faculty of the Summer School will be in the
adjoining room
from 8.45 to 1.30 for counsel, on June 18th. Students
should consult freely with members of the Faculty in case
of difficulty in choosing courses. No certificate will be granted to
students who fail to register before Wednesday,
June 24th. The
form of registration will be as follows: Each student upon application
will receive from the Registrar, Professor Maphis, a card with
space for name, and address, and for courses to be taken. This card
should be filled out by the student, giving in full the catalogue number
and title of each course desired. This card should be presented to
the Registrar for purposes of filing. In exchange for it the student
will receive a card for each course desired, each one signed by the
Registrar. These cards should then be presented to the Bursar, Mr.
Moran, together with the fee for each course. Mr. Moran will
sign and return each of them to the student, who should present it to
the professor of the course prescribed by the card. No student
will be admitted to any course without the card of registration for
that class, properly signed by the Registrar and the Bursar. A
single registration card will admit to all the courses in the School of
Methods. In the University School not more than three courses may
be taken in any one summer, except by special permission of the
Director. Each course requires a separate registration card.

FEES.—No registration fee will be charged. The tuition fee will
consist of $5.00 for each course taken, except in the School of Methods,
where a fee of $5.00 admits the applicant to all courses. The
Department of Public Instruction of Virginia has provided by donation
that Virginia teachers shall be charged only $3.00 for the
School of Methods. Further exception is made to the $5.00 fee
in certain other courses where a special fee has been mentioned
in connection with the outline in this catalogue. Before being enrolled
in a class each student is required to register and to pay all
fees. No reduction of fee will be allowed for late entrance or

On Thursday, June 18th, at 8 P. M. the Summer School will gather
in Cabell Hall to hear the address of welcome by Dr. Alderman,
President of the University of Virginia. Recitations will begin in
all courses Friday, June, 19th, at 8:45 A. M. Students should present
themselves at the first meeting of their classes with the required
text-books and be prepared with tablets to take notes on introductory
lectures. There will be no classes on Saturday, unless arranged for
by individual instructors,
except on Saturday, June 20th, when classes
will meet at the usual hour. The length of recitation will be one
hour, five minutes of which may be allowed for transfer from one
class room to another. Thursday and Friday, July 30th and 31st, will be
used for examinations; the determination being to provide for six full
weeks of recitation over and above registration and examination days.

Following the outline of each course in this announcement will
be found the time and place of meeting for each class. Individual
professors, may, upon consultation with the Director change the


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hours scheduled, in order to avoid conflicts. The Summer School
lecture rooms are for the most part restricted to four buildings—
Cabell Hall, the Rouss Physical Laboratory, the Engineering Building,
and the Rotunda.