University of Virginia Library


A.D. 1601.


'Twas the White Knight that sold him—his flesh and his blood!
A Fitz-Gerald betray'd the Fitz-Gerald:
Death-pale the false friend in the 'mid forest stood;
Close by stood the conqueror's herald!
At the cave-mouth he lean'd on his sword, pale and dumb,
But the eye that was on him o'erbore him:
‘Come forth,’ cried the White Knight;—one answer'd, ‘I come!’
And the Chief of his House stood before him!


‘Cut him down,’ said the Outlaw with cold smile and stern,
‘'Twas a bold stake; but Satan hath won it!’—
In the days of thy father, Earl Desmond, no kerne
Had heard that command, and not done it!
The name of the White Knight shall cease, and his race!
His castle down fall, roof and rafter!
This day is a day of rebuke; but the base
Shall meet what he merits hereafter!