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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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TAYLORS TRAVELS To Hamburgh in Germanie.

DEDICATED To the Cosmographicall, Geographicall describer, Geometricall measurer; Historiographicall Calligraphicall Relater and Writer; Enigmaticall, Pragmaticall, Dogmaticall Obseruer, Ingrosser, Surueyer and Eloquent Brittish Græcian Latinist, or Latine Græcian Orator, the Odcombyan Deambulator, Perombulator, Ambler, Trotter, or vntyred Traueller, Sir Tho: Coriat, Knight of Troy, and one of the dearest darlings to the blind Goddesse Fortune.


[When Christians dare Gods Sabboth to abuse]

When Christians dare Gods Sabboth to abuse,
They make themselues a scorne to Turkes & Iewes:
You stealing Barabasses beastly race,
Rob God of Glory, and your selues of Grace.
Thinke on the supreame Iudge who all things tryes,
When Iewes against you shall in Iudgement rise.
Their feigned truth, with feruent Zeale they show,
The truth vnfeign'd you know, yet will not know.
Then at the Barre in new Ierusalem,
It shall he harder much for you then them.