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The Choir and The Oratory

or Praise and Prayer. By Josiah Conder

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Psalm c. 3.

Oh, give thanks to Him, who made
Morning light and evening shade;
Source and Giver of all good,
Nightly sleep and daily food;
Quickener of our wearied powers,
Guard of our unconscious hours.
Oh, give thanks to Nature's King,
Who made every breathing thing:
His, our warm and sentient frame;
His, the mind's immortal flame.
Oh, how close the ties that bind
Spirits to the Eternal Mind!


Oh, give thanks with heart and lip,
For we are his workmanship;
And all creatures are his care.
Not a bird that cleaves the air,
Falls unnoticed; but who can
Speak the Father's love to man?
Oh, give thanks to Him who came,
In a mortal, suffering frame,
Temple of the Deity,—
Came for rebel man to die;
In the path Himself hath trod,
Leading back his saints to God.


Psalm xcii.

'Tis good with thanks and praise
To magnify Thy name, O God most high!
Each morn the hymn of thankfulness to raise,
And to repeat the song when evening veils the sky.


'Tis sweet, with harp and verse,
In all Thy loving-kindness to rejoice;
With tuneful strings Thy favours to rehearse,
Or in full anthem wake the organ's solemn voice.
Thy works, O Lord, impart
A holy gladness. In Thy glorious deeds
My soul exults. O God! how great Thou art!
Thy wisdom infinite our highest thought exceeds.
But blind and erring man
Knoweth Thee not, nor understands Thy ways;
Yet boldly dares with impious thought to scan
Thy Providential rule, because Thy wrath delays.
Like grass the wicked bloom,
With rapid growth, in evanescent pride:
So, like the faded herbage is their doom,
The fuel of that wrath which madly they defied.
But Thou, O Lord, dost reign
For ever. Scattered all Thy foes shall be.
Thou wilt exalt my head, my cause maintain;
Crown me with joy, and give me more than victory.


The righteous shall be seen
Like fruitful palms, with lasting honours crowned,
Or undecaying cedars, ever green:
Thrice happy those who stand on Zion's holy ground!
Planted by Thy right hand,
To latest age they shall proclaim Thy praise,
Still green and fruitful. For Thy word must stand;
Firm as a rock Thy truth, and righteous all Thy ways.


Psalm ciii.

My soul, in sacred lays,
Come, hymn Jehovah's praise:
Let all thy powers unite to praise thy Lord.
Praise Him for mercies past:
While memory's power shall last,
Fail not his countless favours to record.


Praise Him who passes by
All thine iniquity;
Whose healing mercy snatched thee from the grave.
Praise Him with grateful songs,
Who still thy day prolongs,
And with new mercies crowns the life He gave.
Praise Him, for He is good,
Who still provides thy food,
And, like the eagle's, renovates thy youth.
Praise Him, for He is just,
In whom the helpless trust;
Whose throne is righteousness, whose word is truth.
Praise Him, who did of old
To Israel unfold
His holy counsels and his wondrous ways.
His love, how rich and free!
How great his clemency!
Nor long, when moved to wrath, He hides his face.


His chastisements how few,
If measured by our due!
For, high as the starr'd firmament is built,
And far remote as lies
The east from western skies,
His mercies rise, His grace removes our guilt.
Transcendently above
An earthly parent's love,
The tender pity that Jehovah bears
To those who fear His Name.
He knows our earth-born frame,
Who reared it, and His fragile creature spares.
For soon man's little day
Is spent: the floweret gay
Is the fit emblem of his transient pride.
Let but the blast sweep o'er,
It droops; it blooms no more;
And soon the dust shall its frail relics hide.


But in eternal course,
Eternity its source,
Flows the rich stream of love and grace divine;
And children's children bless
Jehovah's faithfulness
To those who keep His word, nor from His ways decline.
The Lord hath fixed on high
His throne of majesty:
O'er all created things He reigns alone.
Praise Him, ye sons of light,
Whom He hath clothed with might;
On his high errands bent, or waiting round His throne.
Give to Him praise and thanks,
O all ye shining ranks
Of spirits ministrant. Above, abroad,
Let all His works proclaim
Jehovah's glorious Name.
Join thou the general song, my soul, and praise thy God.



Psalm ciii. 20.

Angels, ye who ne'er can know
Aught that sinks our hearts below,
Mars our music, chains our tongue;
With your high, immortal powers,
With your harps for ever strung,
Praise your glorious Lord and ours.
Not to your bright hosts belong
Higher themes of grateful song.
Not to your exalted race
Such mysterious mercy came;
Yet you hailed the wondrous grace,
And adored our Saviour's name.
Let Him not those praises lose,
Which ungrateful men refuse.
Praise Him, Heaven, for Earth is mute;
Or is loud in groans and cries,
Sounds that ill with praises suit:
Praise Him, O ye happier skies!


In this low and grosser air,
All our breath exhales in prayer.
Wants and woes, and hopes and fears,
Still our joyous thanks repress:
In your bright, untroubled spheres,
Ye have but to serve and bless.
Oft, when praises I would bring,
Tears will gush forth as I sing:
Then, the gratitude I feel,
Makes me long for coming days,
When, with all an angel's zeal,
I shall hymn my Saviour's praise.


Psalm cxix. 73.

From Thee, my God, from Thee
My comforts come. 'Tis sweet to be
Fed and supported by Thy hand.
Thine is the air I breathe, the earth on which I stand.


This worthless life of mine,
It is the care of Love Divine.
Those watchful eyes that never sleep,
Guard all my path, and my defenceless slumbers keep.
By Thy safe guidance led,
In Duty's quiet course I tread;
And while Thy wise designs I wait,
The rugged path grows smooth, the crooked places straight.
To Thee I yield my soul:
Oh, let Thy Spirit's sweet control
Rule every impulse of my heart,
And to my spirit, Lord, the life of life impart.
I hang upon Thy power;
I need Thy mercy hour by hour.
On Thee, I feel, and joy to feel,
Depends my daily peace, my everlasting weal.


Ah yes, I am but dust;
But Thou, O God, art all my trust.
Nought can from Thee my soul divide,
Since that dear Saviour lives, who once for sinners died.


Psalm cxxxix.

Thy searching eyes my inmost soul inspect:
My every movement, Lord, is known to Thee.
Thou from afar canst every thought detect:
I walk or rest beneath Thy scrutiny.
Thought's faintest whisper by Thine ear is heard,
And known to Thee each yet unuttered word.
By Thee I am surrounded: yea, Thy hand
Is on me laid. Thee every where I find.
Knowledge like this, ah! who can understand?
What creature fathom the Eternal Mind?
Lord, whither from Thy Spirit should I flee?
How shun Thy presence?—where escape from Thee?


Could I climb heaven's ethereal altitude,
There doth Thy glory reign. Or should I dare
Plunge in hell's dark abyss, Thee to elude,
Thy dreadful presence would enfold me there.
Or could I, with the morn, on wings of light,
To Nature's confines urge my distant flight,—
Ev'n there, Thy right hand, Lord, must be my stay.
Should I to shroud my head in darkness try,
And, with the forest herds, make night my day,
Darkness is no concealment from Thine eye.
Alike to Him who light and darkness made,
The blaze of noon and midnight's deepest shade.
Thou, Lord, didst form my heart, my embryo frame
Didst shape: a fearful miracle the whole.
Sublime Thy works! Let all my powers proclaim
Thy praise, while grateful wonder fills my soul.
In darkness was this curious texture wrought,
Like treasures from earth's deepest caverns brought.


Yet did Thine eye the secret process view,
From the rude germ in which it first began,
Still day by day unfolding, till it grew
To the full measure of Thy perfect plan:
Forewritten in Thy book the fixed decree,
Ere yet existent, when it was to be.
How sweet the wonders of Thy providence
To trace, and all Thy favours to recount!
But, Lord, they rise innumerous, immense:
Like Ocean's sands, the untold numbers mount.
Such thoughts by night my sleepless hours employ,
And to Thy presence I awake with joy.
But for the wicked there is wrath in store:
To the oppressor, God will say—Depart;
Men who blaspheme Him whom the Heavens adore:
Profane of tongue, and of obdurate heart.
Do not I hate those who their God oppose?
Does not my spirit burn against Thy foes?


Yea, I abhor them utterly, nor dare
Count as my friends the enemies of Heaven.
Lord, search my heart; to Thee that heart lies bare;
And cleanse my spirit from its sinful leaven.
See in my soul what yet there lurks amiss,
And lead, Oh lead me in the path to bliss.


Psalm cxxxviii.

With my whole heart I will Thy praises sing,
O Thou my God and King!
Before the powers of earth and heaven, my voice
Shall in Thy praise rejoice.
Up to Thy Temple in the skies,
Shall soar my heart's glad sacrifice.
For all Thy mercy, all thy faithfulness,
Thy holy Name I bless.
Thou far above all worshipped names beside,
Thy word hast glorified.
Thou didst my deep affliction see,
And with thy might didst strengthen me.


Kings of the earth, while I Thy works proclaim,
Shall join to praise Thy name.
They too shall learn thy wonders to record,
For glorious is the Lord.
Heaven is His throne; yet hath He bowed
To bless the meek, but scorns the proud.
Thou wilt uphold me when by troubles pressed,
And comfort me distressed.
Thine outstretch'd arm will from my foes defend,
And save me to the end.
The work Thy grace did undertake,
O Lord! Thou never wilt forsake.


Psalm cxvi.

I love the Lord, for He hath heard my cry,
And bowed His ear, and listened to my prayer.
Shall I not trust in Him? Yes, till I die,
Unto His mercy-seat I will repair,
To tell Him all my wants, and spread my sorrows there.


The shades of death around me fell;
I seemed as on the verge of hell;
By pain with fiery fetters bound,
And darkness and distress around.
Then did my soul His succour crave:
“Lord God Almighty, hear and save!”
Great is His grace; His ways are right;
In mercy doth our God delight.
The Guardian of the meek; 'twas He,
When I was brought low, succoured me.
Now, O my soul, enjoy the sweet repose
Of gratitude and love. Dismiss thy fears.
The Lord hath more than recompensed my woes,
Rescued my soul from death, and dried my tears,
Upheld my sinking steps, and lengthened out my years.
Yes, I shall live to praise His Name,
I said: and faith's reviving flame
Inspired my lips. For, sorely tried,
All hope had long within me died;
And rashly I was fain to deem
All men deceivers; Truth, a dream.


Oh, how shall I the Lord requite
For mercies countless, infinite?
Still shall His praise my lips employ;
And, as the votive cup of joy
I raise, and bless my Saviour's name,
Before his saints I will proclaim
His mercy: in Jehovah's house,
My offerings shall fulfil my vows.
Not lightly is the blood of saints esteemed
By Him they serve. And, Lord, am I not thine?
Thy servant, in Thy household born, redeemed
By Thee from death? Yes, freely I resign
Henceforth to Thee, my God, this ransomed life of mine.
To Thee each morning I will bring
A grateful heart's thank-offering.
Before Thy people, in Thy house,
I will perform my solemn vows.
Salem, thy sons with sweet accord
Shall join my song, and praise the Lord.



Psalm xxx.

Raised from the dust, I bless my Saviour's name.
Thou, Lord, didst interpose
To disappoint my foes!
On Thee I call'd, and Thou hast healed my frame.
Yes, 'twas Thy power revived my failing breath;
Thy voice recalled me fom the gate of death.
Oh, sing unto the Lord, ye saints of His:
In notes of triumph bless
His truth, His holiness.
Brief is His anger, and His smile is bliss.
Sorrow may be the inmate of the night,
But Joy returneth with the morrow's light.


I thought, in my prosperity secure,
Nothing my peace could shake.
Thy favour, Lord! did make
My seeming strength, which promised to endure,
Firm as a mountain-fort. Thou didst but hide
Thy face, and all my hope and spirit died.
Then called I on the Lord: What benefit
Can from my blood accrue?
O God, should death ensue,
Could my dust praise Thee from the noisome pit?
Oh, can the grave Thy faithfulness record?
Have mercy on me, be my helper, Lord!
Lo! Thou hast turned my mourning into joy;
Exchanged my garb of sadness
For the girt robes of gladness,
That so Thy praise might every power employ.
O Lord my God, be it my life's endeavour,
To give Thee thanks, and praise Thy name for ever.



Psalm xxxiii.

Songs of rejoicing raise,
Saints, to your God, for praise
Becomes the righteous. Let each tuneful string
And breathing pipe be made
The voice of praise to aid.
Sing a new song; in full-toned chorus sing.
Perfect, the ordaining word
And doings of the Lord;
Righteous his rule, and justice his delight.
His goodness fills the earth.
He spake the heavens to birth,
And fixed their starry hosts in orbits bright.


He built the watery heap;
Gave limits to the deep:
He treasures up the fulness of the sea.
Let Earth her Maker fear,
Her tribes His power revere,
Who spake, 'twas made, and stood by His decree.
What then His saints can hurt?
The Lord can disconcert
The deepest schemes in which His foes engage.
His purposes are sure:
His counsels shall endure.
How blest the nation of His heritage!
The Lord from Heaven surveys
All mortals and their ways.
He framed the heart, and all its thoughts can read.
Vainly the monarch boasts
The myriads of his hosts:
The mighty are not saved by strength or speed.


Lo! an All-seeing eye
Is their security,
Who fear the Lord, and in His grace confide.
What danger can they dread?
His people shall be fed,
Though famine rage, by heavenly care supplied.
Our soul awaits His will,
Our help and shield; and still
With joyful heart in Him our trust shall be.
That trust He will reward:
Then let Thy mercy, Lord,
Be on us, even as we hope in Thee.


Psalm cxiii.

Hallelujah. Raise, Oh raise
To our God the song of praise:
All his servants, join to sing
God our Saviour and our King.


Blessed be for evermore
That dread Name which we adore!
Round the world His praise be sung,
Through all lands, in every tongue.
O'er all nations God alone,
Higher than the heavens His throne:
Who is like to God most high,
Infinite in majesty?
Yet to view the heavens He bends;
Yea, to earth He condescends;
Passing by the rich and great,
For the low and desolate.
He can raise the poor to stand
With the princes of the land;
Wealth upon the needy shower;
Set the meanest high in power.
He the broken spirit cheers;
Turns to joy the mourner's tears.
Such the wonders of his ways!
Praise His Name;—for ever praise.



Psalm xxiii.

With God for my Shepherd, I never can need.
He finds the fresh pastures where daily I feed.
By soft-flowing waters he chooses my track,
And leads, if I stray, his poor wanderer back.
He guides me aright in the path I should take,
The pathway of life, for His faithfulness' sake.
Yea, though the dark ravines of death I should tread,
If Thou, Lord, art with me, no peril I'll dread.
I'll think on Thy rod and Thy staff of defence;
And these shall new courage and comfort dispense.
Thou spreadest my board in the sight of my foes:
My head Thou anointest; my cup overflows.
Still goodness shall follow, where'er I may roam,
And the house of the Lord be for ever my home.




The Lord is my Shepherd, and I am His sheep.
His flock He from want and from danger will keep.
In pastures all verdant by night I abide,
And He chooses my path where the cool waters glide.
If ever I wander, as silly sheep roam,
He seeks His poor truant, and follows me home;
Then shews by His footsteps the way I should take,
And, true to his promise, will never forsake.
When, gloomy my path, the deep valleys I tread,
All darkness before, and the rocks over head,
My Shepherd is with me; why fear any ill?
His crook and His staff they shall comfort me still.
My enemies frown; but they can do no more:
My wants are supplied till my cup runneth o'er.
Surely goodness and mercy my days shall attend,
Till I reach the bright mansions of joy without end.



Acts xiv. 17.

O Thou who givest all their food,
Causing Thy sun to shine
Upon the evil and the good,
Earth's teeming stores are Thine.
Thy covenant to man secures
The harvest of his toil:
Thy faithful word, while earth endures,
With plenty clothes the soil.
The wintry frost, the flowery prime,
Alike Thy laws obey.
Each herb and blossom knows its time,
And feels the quickening ray.
Revolving seasons still proclaim
Thy all-sustaining word.
Seed-time and harvest speak Thy name—
The promise-keeping Lord.



Psalm xix.

The heavens declare His glory,
Their Maker's skill the skies:
Each day repeats the story,
And night to night replies.
Their silent proclamation
Throughout the earth is heard;
The record of Creation,
The page of Nature's word.
There, from his bright pavilion,
Like Eastern bridegroom clad,
Hailed by Earth's thousand million,
The Sun sets forth: right glad,
His glorious race commencing,
The mighty giant seems;
Through the vast round dispensing
His all-pervading beams.


So pure, so soul-restoring,
Is Truth's diviner ray;
A brighter radiance pouring
Than all the pomp of day:
The wanderer surely guiding,
It makes the simple wise;
And, evermore abiding,
Unfailing joy supplies.
Thy word is richer treasure
Than lurks within the mine;
And daintiest fare less pleasure
Yields, than this food divine.
How wise each kind monition!
Led by Thy counsels, Lord,
How safe the Saints' condition,
How great is their reward!
But past transgressions pain me.
Lord! cleanse my heart within;
And evermore restrain me
From all presumptuous sin.


So let my whole behaviour,
Thoughts, words, and actions be,
O God, my strength and Saviour,
Acceptable to Thee.


[Lord of all power and might]

Lord of all power and might,
All potent to deliver;
In goodness infinite;
Of every good the Giver:
Teach us to love Thy Name:
Make grace within us flourish.
Our languid zeal inflame:
With truth our spirits nourish.
Of Thy great mercy kept
By faith unto salvation;
Through Jesus Christ accept
Our song of adoration.



Psalm cxviii. 28.

Tell me not that God is great:
Fallen and abject is my state.
Tell me not that He is good:
I that bounty have withstood.
Say not, He is pure and just:
I am darkness, guilt, and dust.
God is Mercy, and forgives:—
Now my soul revives, and lives.
Now, reversed my hopeless state,
I can joy that God is great.
Now His goodness I can bless;
Triumph in His holiness.
I no more His justice fear;
And His faithfulness, how dear!
Now, O God, my God, this heart
Joys to know Thee all Thou art.



Heb. i. 3.

Thou art the Everlasting Word,
The Father's Only Son;
God manifestly seen and heard,
And Heaven's Beloved One.
Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou,
That every knee to Thee should bow.
In Thee most perfectly expressed,
The Father's glories shine;
Of the full Deity possessed,
Eternally Divine.
Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou,
That every knee to Thee should bow.
True Image of the Infinite,
Whose Essence is concealed;
Brightness of Uncreated Light;
The Heart of God revealed.
Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou,
That every knee to Thee should bow.


But the high mysteries of Thy name
An Angel's grasp transcend:
The Father only—glorious claim!
The Son can comprehend.
Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou,
That every knee to Thee should bow.
Yet, loving Thee, on whom His love
Ineffable doth rest,
Thy glorious worshippers above
As One with Thee are blest.
Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou,
That every knee to Thee should bow.
Throughout the universe of bliss,
The centre Thou, and Sun,
The' eternal theme of praise is this,
To Heaven's Beloved One:—
Worthy, O Lamb of God, art Thou,
That every knee to Thee should bow.