University of Virginia Library

But for the Christ, upon a cross, to die
The death of robbers and of slaves, I deemed
Monstrous, unspeakable; and many a word
Haunted my memory from prophetic Psalms
Of Christ, a priestly monarch, riding on
To victory, with His warriors like the host
Of Heaven; the dew of youth upon His brow,
Jehovah's rod of empire in His hand,
To judge and rule amidst His enemies.
Oh, how unlike to Thee!—to Thee, betrayed,
Rejected, and abandoned by Thine own!
No dew of youth upon Thy holy brow,
But drops of blood!


Thy martyr Stephen first
Awoke misgiving in my secret soul.
I saw an angel's glory on his face;
I heard his words; they were not like the speech
Of one that pleadeth for his life, but words
Of some majestic teacher, when the crowd
Listens and bows in reverence;—and he spake;—