University of Virginia Library


How sweet is the hour we give,
When fancy may wander free,
To the friends who in memory live!—
For then I remember thee!
Then wing'd, like the dove from the ark,
My heart, o'er a stormy sea,
Brings back to my lonely bark
A leaf that reminds of thee!
But still does the sky look dark,
The waters still deep and wide,
Oh! when may my lonely bark
In peace on the shore abide?
But through the future far,
Dark though my course may be,
Thou art my guiding star!
My heart still turns to thee!


When I see thy friends I smile,
I sigh when I hear thy name;
But they cannot tell, the while,
Whence the smile or the sadness came.
Vainly the world may deem
The cause of my sighs they know:—
The breeze that stirs the stream
Knows not the depths below.