University of Virginia Library

CXIX. Mary so mylde, so meke, so fre
Hath borne a chylde of hyghe degre,
And his name ys Ihesus.


An angelle seide to thatte meyde so fre:
‘Hayle, fulle of grace: god is with the;
Of alle women blessid thou be!
Thou shalt conceyue Ihesus.’



When she hurde this, thatt blessid meyde,
Sore in here mynde she was afreyde
Of theys wordys, thatte he hadde seyde:
‘Thou shalt conceyue Ihesus.’


‘Drede not,’ he seide, thatte angelle bryght;
‘Thou hast founde grace in goddys syght:
Withyn thy wombe by his grete myght
Thou shalt conceyue Ihesus.’


Sche seide vnto thatte angelle than:
‘Hou shalle this be (telle, if thou can),
Sith I entende to knowe no man
And shalle conceyue Ihesus?’


He seide: ‘God, thatt is withoute ende,
The holigost to the shalle sende,
And by grace, thatte he shalle extende,
Thou shalt conceyue Ihesus.


Elyzabeth by highe suffrage
Hath conceyuyd in here old age
A chyld alsoo: withowte bondage
Thou shalt conceyue Ihesus.’


Sche answerd hym, thatt meyde so fre:
‘As thou hast seide, be done to me;
The wille of god fulfyllyd be
Thus to conceyue Ihesus.’


He toke his leue, thatt angell bryght,
Of here and went to blysse full ryght,
And forthwithall, as he behyght,
Sche conceyuyd Ihesus.