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Philomythie or Philomythologie

wherein Outlandish Birds, Beasts, and Fishes, are taught to speake true English plainely. By Tho: Scot ... The second edition much inlarged

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To all those Knights, Ladies, and Gentlemen, to whom my Dedications are made, a true reason and excuse why I haue not placed them in their rankes and distances.

If any of you now be discontented,
To haue your names found here, it is repented
On my part too: for I would no man wrong
Nor honour, but for merit in my song.
If here yon finde your vertues be not proude,
But thinke you are by me and truth allowde
To weare Fames liuery, which if y'abuse,
Shee'l soone pull off againe; and as you vse
To deale with your euill seruants, put ye forth
Naked of honour, if you be of worth:
But whilst you be what now I know and write,
Your fames guard me, and I giue you your right;
Yet not in place, for I my selfe professe
To be no Harold; but if worthinesse
Had as much power, as many hath, to grace,
You should not (hauing so much worth) want place.