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A Sacrifice To an Unknown Goddesse, or, A Free-Will Offering Of a loving Heart to a Sweet-Heart. By N. H. [i.e. Nicholas Hookes]

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On the Anniversarie of the fifth of Novem. to the Fellowes of Trin. Coll.

'Twere no absurdity if I should wish;
You had dark lanthornes for a second dish,
Sculls and deaths heads will not be out of season,
To put you all in minde of Vaux his treason,
Yet least poor Scholars should have nought to pick
But bones, pray let your feast be Catholick
And superstitious too, so you'l afford
Some holy reliques, for Prince Arthurs board,
Let your mirth this day, and your joyes be mickle,
Had the powder gone off w'had been in a pickle,
And which invention were most damnable,
Pope or sal Peter had been disputable.
But the plot was found, so by accident
Wicked Pope Urban was Pope Innocent.