University of Virginia Library



If from my love thow partes, I will from thyne;
if thow denyes it, I will it disclayme;
if thow vntuist the cordes, I will vntwyne;
if thow but fyre remayne, I sal but flame;
if thow substract thy hart, I will the same;
if thow contemis, I lykwyse will disdayne;
if thow refuse, I will no more the blame,
and if thow finds no fault, I will not playne.
thow reules vnreuld, and so will I agane;
thow fixed love, I vnprofest sal vowe;
thow thyne, I myne, thow quyet, I but payne;
thow scoffs, I scorne, thow drifts, I disallow;
thow lovsse, I frie, thow mirrye, I will easde,
so in this chainge we thus w[a]yes baith ar pleasde.