University of Virginia Library


Theophilus, the Alexandrian B
Throwing the learned Pall of his rich see
Against Anthropomorphites who out swarm
Like bees whose hive is hubd and make a Charm
They'l sting him dead if's bells don't backward ring
His metall to their bullet moulds runs in.


And now his tinder's fired with their spark
He calls a Synod and aloud doth bark
At Origen whom to the fire they call
Because he is th'Anthropomorphites maul.
He brings old Epiphane (a better man)
To sink old Origen in his deep damn,
And by his juggles too doth him ingage
Against Chrysostom till his spirits rage
Chrysostom now (though a choice man indeed)
Is Carrion to their Envie it to feed.
Theophilus of Alexandria
Strives might and main to break his back they say
Because he did into Communion
Admit Dioscorus, and th'Monks styld Long
Who unto him from Egypt to complain
Against Theophilus his Carriage came
Wherefore to cloake his malice o're compleate
This good old Cypriot doth basely cheate
Into a fret against this shining Light
Hence having Origen condemnd doth write
To him to cease to reade his books at all:
This not attended, blisters fret his gall.
Hence Epiphane in heated hast doth trudge
Unto Constantinople in a grudge,
Calls an assembly, dubs a Deacon, and
Juggles about till Origen is Damn'd
Under this great and holie Worthies nose
Whose Caution bad him have a care lest those
He did thus grieve rose not about his ears
And now in Chafes he hasts away with fears,
On John the Courtiers now like mastives fall
Whose grave reproofes they entertain with gall
Eutropius the Chamberlain that makes
The Altar screen his sin, he Checks, this Rakes
Their Spleenishness, they bark at him like currs
And now he feels their feathers all wave spurs.
Gainas the Gottish Captain fumes, who could
Not gain his Arians Church room, as he would:
Oh! wretch forsworn. Eudoxia too, the queen,
Doth whet her Edge against him very keen
For feeling of his close reproofe she frets
The Emperour upon his back she sets.
He calls a Synod of Johns Enemies
Who finde no Crimes but burden him with lies


But let Chrysostom at the bar play th'man,
Theophilus and's sociates do him damn,
He's banisht too: Romes Innocent doth Chide
The Emperour for's act: the folke beside
Do tumult: John hence is calld home again
And settled in his Charge to preach Christs name
The sun shall lose his Light before John shall
Thus have his mouth bemuzzld, cry they all
But yet alass he is not long at ease
Eudoxia's silver shrine did him displease
Which raised were before saint Sophia's Church
And stage playes acted at it; that his birch
Did firk them for it. Now the Emperess
Accounts herselfe revild: which to redress
His saucy tongue that thus ore run its bancks
Herodias doth fret a fresh, she stamps
A fresh: a fresh she danceth, and for this
She seeks a fresh Johns head brought in a dish.
A Synod calls which damn him cause he took
After deposd his Cure without their book.
Although their ground they stood on groundless shines
He was restault by sixty five Divines
Hence he again is banisht: and so dies.
His pious flock now weeping out their eyes
Withdraw Communion and elsewhere meet
To worship Christ and bow before his feet.
Hence Innocent of Romes intreatings by
Five Bishops and two Priests Johns Case might ly
Before an Equall Synod to be scan'd
Being neglected by Arcadius' hand
Taking not heed of this Apostles plush
He claps his burning Thunderbolt out thus
Upon Arcadius' imperiall Dress
And on Eudoxia too the Emperess
On Atticus Constantinoples B
And on Theophilus who held the see
Of Alexandria, all whom (as spakes
One Sozomen) he Excommunicates
Strang thing indeed but let it Cockhorse ride
As a soure Belch-up-hubd of Ant'christs pride.