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The Southern harmony, and musical companion

containing a choice collection of tunes, hymns, psalms, odes, and anthems

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[O, once I had a glorious view]
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[O, once I had a glorious view]


The following poem is scored for music in the source text.


O, once I had a glorious view
Of my redeeming Lord;
He said, I'll be a God to you,
And I believed his word.
But now I have a deeper stroke
Than all my groanings are;
My God has me of late forsook,—
He's gone, I know not where.


O what immortal joys I felt,
On that celestial day,
When my hard heart began to melt,
By love dissolved away!
But my complaint is bitter now,
For all my joys are gone;
I've stray'd!—I'm left!—I know not how.
The light's from the withdrawn.


Once I could joy the saints to meet,
To me they were most dear;
I then could stoop to wash their feet,
And shed a joyful tea
But now I meet them as the rest,
And with them joyless stay;
My conversation's spiritless,
Or else I've naught to say.


I once could mourn o'er dying men,
And long'd their souls to win;
I travail'd for their poor children,
And warn'd them of their sin:
But now my heart's so careless grown,
Although they're drown'd in vice,
My bowels o'er them cease to yearn—
My tears have left mine eyes.


I forward go in duty's way,
But can't perceive him there;
Then backwards on the road I stray,
But cannot find him there:
On the left hand, where he doth work,
Among the wicked crew,
And on the right, I find him not,
Among the favour'd few.


What shall I do?—shall I lie down.
And sink in deep despair?
Will he for ever wear a frown.
Nor hear my feeble pray'r?
No: he will put his strength in me,
He knows the way I've stroll'd
And when I'm tried sufficiently.
I shall come forth as gold.