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Ye are builders little builders,
Not with mortar, brick and stone,
But your work is far more glorious—
Ye are building freedom's throne.
Where the ocean never slumbers
Works the coral 'neath the spray,
By and by a reef or island
Rears its head to greet the day.
When the balmy rains and sunshine
Scatter treasures o'er the soil,
'Till a place for human footprints,
Crown the little builder's toil.
When the stately ships sweep o'er them,
Cresting all the sea with foam,
Little think these patient toilers,
They are building man a home.
Do you ask me, precious children,
How your little hands can build,
That you love the name of freedom,
But your fingers are unskilled?
Not on thrones or in proud temples,
Does fair freedom seek her rest;
No, her chosen habitations,
Are the hearts that love her best.


Would you gain the highest freedom?
Live for God and man alone,
Then each heart in freedom's temple
Will be like a living stone.
Fill your minds with useful knowledge,
Learn to love the true and right;
Thus you'll build the throne of freedom,
On a pedestal of light.