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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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Translations, unless identified otherwise, are by the author
of this article.

Charles Baudelaire, Journaux intimes (Paris, 1938),
Fuzées, III; trans. Christopher Isherwood as Intimate Jour-
(London, 1947). Nicolas Berdyaev, De la destination
de l'homme
(Paris, 1935); trans. as The Destiny of Man
(London, 1937). Reto Bezzola, Les origines et la formation
de la littérature courtoise en Occident
(Paris, 1944). André
Breton, L'Amour fou (Paris, 1937); idem, Arcane 17 (New
York, 1944). Henry Corbin, L'Imagination créatrice dans le
soufisme d'Ibn 'Arabī
(Paris, 1958). Georges Dumézil, Mythe
et épopée. L'Idéologie des trois fonctions dans les épopées
des peuples indo-européens
(Paris, 1968). Friedrich Engels,


The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State
(1884; trans., Chicago, 1902). Robert Flacelière, lLAmour
en Grèce
(Paris, 1960). K. Gaiser, Platons ungeschriebene
(Stuttgart, 1963). Robert G. Hazo, The Idea of Love
(New York, 1967). Carl Gustav Jung, Antwort auf Hiob
(Zurich, 1952). Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, Essais, ed.
P. Villey (Paris, 1923). René Nelli, L'Érotique des trouba-
(Toulouse, 1963); a basic work. A. R. Nykl, Hispano-
Arabic Poetry and its Relations with the Old Provençal
(Baltimore, 1946). José Ortega y Gasset, Estu-
dios sobre el amor
(Madrid, 1939); trans. T. Talbot as On
(New York, 1957). Denis de Rougemont, Love in the
Western World
(New York, 1940; 1956); also published as
Passion and Society (London, 1940; 1956); idem, Love De-
(New York, 1963); also published as The Myths of
(London, 1963). Isidor Schneider, ed., The World of
2 vols. (New York, 1964), contains the translations
from Empedocles and Voltaire. F.-M. A. de Voltaire, articles
in L'Encyclopédie (Paris, 1751-77).


[See also Dualism; Gnosticism; Heresy; Motif; Platonism;
Romanticism; Women.