The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||
An extraordinary Courte helde
the xxijth of Nouember 1619:
The Ri: Worp: Sr Edwin Sandys knt Tr̃er. | ||
Sr Nicholas Tufton. | mr George Sandys. | mr Bearblock. |
Sr Henry Rainsforde. | mr Thom: Gibbes. | mr Meverell. |
mr Iohn Wroth. | mr Nicho: Ferrar. | mr Blande. |
mr Iohn fferrar, Dept. | mr Tho: Bull. | mr Casewell. |
mr Dr Anthony. | mr Keightley. | mr Eli: Roberts. |
mr Dr Wynstone. | mr Cranmore. | mr Couell. |
mr Hen: Briggℯ. | mr Mellinge. |
Mr Treasuror signified that this extraordinary Courte was to acquainte
them that accordinge to the intent of the last great Courte hee had
drawne the ɫre to his Maty in the name of the Tr̃er Counsell and Company
and had delivered itt to mr Secretary Caluert together wth a Coppie
was [50] to propound his and crave their further advise that if one
hundreth pounds wch should have beene for mayntenance of those men
might be given extraordinary in grosse besides the ordinary allowance
of Six pounds the man to any that may be found to transport them wth
all expedic̃on, The knight Marshall haveinge promisd Sr Iohn Dauers
that if they may be sent presentlie hee will furnish them wth such
p̱sonns of what quallyty and Condic̃on they desire. Vnto wch was
obiected that if some were found to vndertake this, yett itt might be
this moneth before the Ship could be dispeeded and they duringe
such time must be maynteyned at the Companies charge wch was
answered itt could not be helped, his Maties Commaund must be full-
filled, therfore beinge putt to the question was generally allowed of.
Likewise he acquainted that beinge to goe to the Counsell §table§
aboute the Companies buisines hee purposed to acquainte the Lords
of the Tobacco detayned by mr Iacobb, notwithstandinge the graunt
of their Pattent their letter from the Lords of the Counsell and the
Companies offer vnto him; Desiringe to vnderstand their further
pleasure, who have agreed to make a further Offer (iff itt may be
accepted) to leave a 20th parte wth him in spetie, as allso an other
xxth p̱t for ye Kings Custome till they have tryed theire Pattent,
And for the assistinge of mr Thr̃er theris now entreated, My Lord
of Warwick, Lord Paggett Lord Cauendish, Sr Iohn Dauers, Sr Nath:
Rich, mr Iohn Wroth and mr Cranmore.
Intelligence beinge given that the Acco: of the Magazine beinge made
vpp and redy for the Audite, this Courte have now appoynted
Auditors for the same vizd: mr Bull, mr Keightley, mr Briggs, and
mr Cranmer.
A ɫre was shewed to mr Thr̃er by mr Dr: Wynstone written by a frend
vnto mr Bland intymatinge a greivous scandall layde vppõ Virginia
by some who hath lived there, of the Barronesse and in fer-
tilytie of the Soyle, wch by reason the reporte of all those that
hath beene there is veryfied to be false, as allso that itt
to transport men thither for the settinge vpp of Iron workℯ Itt
was thought good for the depressinge of such base reports, [(] a former
ɫre to the like effecte beinge formerly diuulged) that itt be showed
to the Counsell, to impose such penalty of the person as may be
held expedient, and to consider of a Publicac̃on to be sett outt
in printe for the Confutac̃on therof. [51]
The records of the Virginia Company of London | ||