University of Virginia Library

Articles in Periodicals.

Co-citizens of California, Collier's 48:20—Oct. 28, '11.

New state for woman suffrage. Harper's Bazaar—4538. Jan. '11.

Spectacular woman suffrage in American. Independent 71:804-10—
Oct. 12, '11.

Woman suffrage in six states. Independent 71:967—70 Nov. 2, '11.

Woman's victory in Washington. Collier's 46:25—Jan. 7, '11.

Result of woman's suffrage. Outlook—98:757. Aug. 5, '11.

Victory in sight. Harper's Bazaar 45:345 July '11.

Why I am a suffragist. World Today 21:1171-8 Oct. '11.

Woman suffrage marching on. Current Lit. 51:596-600 Dec. '11.

Woman suffrage on trial. Outlook 99:50-1 Sept. 2, '11.

Women should mind their own business. Independent 70:1370-1.
June 22, '11.

World movement for woman suffrage. R. of R's. 44:725-9 Dec. '11.

Women's rights. Outlook 100:302-4. Feb. 10, '12.

Women's rights and the duties of both men and women. Outlook
100:262-6 Feb. 3, '12.

Progress of woman's suffrage. Outlook 102:375-6 Oct. 26, '12.

Woman-suffrage victory. Literary Digest 45:941-3 Nov. 23, '12.

Cassandra on votes for women. 19th Century 69:487-98 March '11.

Is woman suffrage important? North American Rev. 193:60-71
Jan. '11.

Objections to woman suffrage. Harp. W. 55:6. Dec. 2, '11.

Past, present and future. North Amer. Rev. 194:271-81 Aug. '11.

Recent strides of woman's suffrage. World's Work—22:14733-45
Aug. '11.

Teaching violence to women. Cent. 84:151-3 May '12.

Violence and votes. Independent 72:1416-9 June 27, '12.

Violence in the woman's suffrage movement: a disavowal of the
militant policy. Cent. 85:148-9 Nov. '12.

Votes for women. Harper's W. 56:6 Sept. 21, '12.

Why I want woman's suffrage. Collier's 48:18 March 16, '12.

Woman and the state. Forum 48:394-408 Oct. '12.

Woman and the suffrage. Harper's W. 56:6 Aug. 17, '12.

Woman the savior of the state. World's Work 23:418-21. Feb. '12.

Mission of Women. North Amer. 196:204-14. Aug. '12.

New prophetess of feminism. Forum 48:455-64. Oct. '12.

Questions of suffrage. Nation 94:132 Feb. 8, '12.

Right of the silent women. Outlook 101:105-6 May 18, '12.

Sermons in stones. Contemporary Rev. 101:493-501 Apr. '12.

Shall women vote? Outlook 101:754-5. Aug. 3, '12.

Success of woman suffrage. Ind. 73:334-5. Aug. 8, '12.

Equal suffrage dialogue. Harper's W. 56:11. Oct. 19, '12.

Famed biologist's warning of the peril in votes for women. Cur.
Lit. —53:59-62 July '12.


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For the twenty-two million; why most women do not want to vote.
Outlook 101; 26-30 May 4, '12.

From door to door. Harper's W. 55:26 Dec. 30, '11.

Grace before lawlessness. Cent. 83:790-2 Mar. '12.

Poll of women on the suffrage. Outlook 104:268-70 June 7, '13.

President and the suffragists. Lit. Digest 47:1209-11. Dec. 20, '13.

Suffrage conquest of Illinois. Lit. Digest. 46:1409-10 June 28, '13.

Votes for three million women. R. of R.'s 46:700-4 Dec. '12.

Women on Washington juries. Ind. 75:50-2 July 3, '13.

Women's parliamentary franchise in practice. 19th Cent. 74:979-87.
Nov. 1913.

Year of equal suffrage. World's Work 27:14-5 Nov. '13.

Younger suffragists. Harper's W. 58:7-8 Sept. 27, '13.

California stateslady. Collier's 52:5-6 Nov. 1, '13.

How California women voters made good. Rev. of Reviews
47:608-10 May '13.

Unexpurgated case against woman suffrage. Contemporary Review
104:745-8 Nov. '13.

Why I voted for equal suffrage. Independent 75:634-5 Sept. 11, '13.

Open letter on woman suffrage. Outlook 103:893-4 Apr. 26th, '13.

Trust the ballot upon women. Ind. 75:31 July 3, '13.

Time to stop it. Ind. 73:1439-40 Dec. 19, '12.

Argument against woman suffrage. Ind. 75:301-2 Aug. 7, '13.

Art and the woman's movement. Forum 49:680-4 June '13.

Ask her. Outlook 103:839-40 Apr. 19, '13.

Ballot as an ethical education for women. Cur. Opinion 54:483-4
June '13.

Don't ask her. Outlook 104:54-5 May 10, '13.

Will women vote? Independent 78:320 May 25, '14.

Woman suffrage at work in America. 19th Cent. 75:415-33 Feb. '14.

Woman suffrage in U. S. 19th Cent. 74:1336-41 Dec. '13.

Woman's hand in Illinois. Lit. Digest 48:891-2 Apr. 18, '14.

Woman's vote in Utah. Harper's W. 58:18 May 2, '14.

Women vote in Illinois. Outlook 106:509-11. Mar. 7, '14.

Anti-suffrage argument. Collier's 49:27 Apr. 20, '12.

Catholic view of woman suffrage. Lit. Digest 44:1211-2 June 8, '12.

Suffrage as a national issue. Lit. Digest 48:745-6 Apr. 4, '14.

Ventilated opinions. Collier's 53:8 Mar. 21, '14.

Woman and morality. 19th Cent. 75:128-40 Jan. '14. Same article
Liv. Age 280:515-24 Feb. 28, '14.

Working of equal suffrage. North American 199:338-43 Mar. '14.

Annual invasion of congress by the woman suffragists. Cur. Opinion
56:9-11. Jan. '14.

How women vote. Harper's W. 58:20-3 Apr. 25, '14.

National constitution will enfranchise women. North American
199:709-21 May '14.

Two suffrage mistakes: proposed suffrage amendment to constitution
and opposition to payment of income tax. North American
199:366-82 Mar. '14.

What have women done with the vote? Cent. 87:663-71. Mar. '14.

Clubwomen for suffrage. (U. S.) Lit. Digest 49:4-5 July 4, '14.

Abdication. 19th Century 74:1328-35 Dec. '13. Same article Living
Age. 280:195-200 Jan. 24, '14.

Creative Evolution and the woman question? Educ. R. 47:22-7 Jan. '14.

Prof. Beyer and the woman question. Educ. Review 47:295-8
Mar. '14.

Progress and feminity. Harper's Weekly 58:27 Jan. 3, '14.

Solvency of woman. Edin. R. 219:14-34 Jan. '14.

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