University of Virginia Library

F. Department of Engineering:

In the Department of Engineering the charges for tuition are uniform
to all students, except that Virginians are relieved of tuition (p.
107) on courses offered in the college. In addition to the university
fee of $40, the fee for each class taken will be $25, with the addition
of the prescribed laboratory charges, which are $5 for each class in
Applied Mechanics, Engineering, and Physics; $15 for Chemistry.


Page 110
For each class in Analytical Chemistry a special fee of $50 is charged
for tuition and supplies plus $10 for apparatus. The fee for each
class in Drawing is $10.

The statement made above may be averaged for the four years
of the engineering courses as follows:

To Students
To Students
Other States 
University Fee  $40  $ 40 
Tuition and Lab. Fee  50  100 
Contingent Deposit  10  10 
$100  $150 

III. Cost of Living.—Under the third head fall the expenses of
living and the cost of books and stationery.