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The Poetical Works of Thomas Moore

Collected by Himself. In Ten Volumes

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Of all that, to the sage's survey,
This world presents of topsy-turvy,
There's nought so much disturbs one's patience,
As little minds in lofty stations.
'Tis like that sort of painful wonder,
Which slender columns, labouring under
Enormous arches, give beholders;—
Or those poor Caryatides,
Condemn'd to smile and stand at ease,
With a whole house upon their shoulders.
If, as in some few royal cases,
Small minds are born into such places—
If they are there, by Right Divine,
Or any such sufficient reason,


Why—Heav'n forbid we should repine!—
To wish it otherwise were treason;
Nay, ev'n to see it in a vision,
Would be what lawyers call misprision.
Sir Robert Filmer saith—and he,
Of course, knew all about the matter—
“Both men and beasts love Monarchy;”
Which proves how rational—the latter.
Sidney, we know, or wrong or right,
Entirely differ'd from the Knight:
Nay, hints a King may lose his head,
By slipping awkwardly his bridle:—
But this is treasonous, ill-bred,
And (now-a-days, when Kings are led
In patent snaffles) downright idle.
No, no—it isn't right-line Kings,
(Those sovereign lords in leading-strings
Who, from their birth, are Faith-Defenders,)
That move my wrath—'tis your pretenders,
Your mushroom rulers, sons of earth,
Who—not, like t'others, bores by birth,


Establish'd gratiâ Dei blockheads,
Born with three kingdoms in their pockets—
Yet, with a brass that nothing stops,
Push up into the loftiest stations,
And, though too dull to manage shops,
Presume, the dolts, to manage nations!
This class it is, that moves my gall,
And stirs up bile, and spleen, and all.
While other senseless things appear
To know the limits of their sphere—
While not a cow on earth romances
So much as to conceit she dances—
While the most jumping frog we know of,
Would scarce at Astley's hope to show off—
Your ***s, your ***s dare,
Untrain'd as are their minds, to set them
To any business, any where,
At any time that fools will let them.
But leave we here these upstart things—
My business is, just now, with Kings;
To whom, and to their right-line glory,
I dedicate the following story.