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Sec. 8. President and vice-president of council.

At its first meeting in September, nineteen hundred and twenty-two,
and biennially thereafter, the council shall elect one of its
members to act as president, who shall preside at its meetings
and continue in office two years. Or if a vacancy occur in the
office before the end of his term, such vacancy shall be filled as
provided in section seven.

At the same time the council shall elect one of its members to
be a vice-president, who shall preside at such meetings in the absence
of the president, and who, when the president shall be absent
or unable to perform the duties of his office, by reason of
sickness, or other cause, shall perform any and all duties required
of, or entrusted to, the president. The president, or the
vice-president, when authorized, as above stated, to act, shall have
power at any time to call a meeting.