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The lonely weary stars that never loved before
And who were wont across the loveless dark to pour
Sad solitary rays
Woke up for thee, and brought their gleaming crowns of gold
And gave thee all their dreams,—strange love-dreams that of old
Lighted old nights and days.
The flowers that never loved brought all their bloom and wonder,
And tender buds for thee broke green soft sheaths in sunder
Eager thine eyes to meet.—
And I thy poet bring the dreams that once forsook me,
Now caught and clasped again,—the old love-dream that shook me
And made youth's wild heart beat.


And now if I lose thee, I lose not half my being
But all,—and pass through life with gaze no longer seeing
Things sweet or glad or fair.—
A man gives, when he gives, with absolute devotion.
Youth's love is as a stream; but man's is a wild ocean
Whose large crests shudder through the trembling air.
Youth's love is very sweet: but man's is very strong.
Youth's singing hath its charm: man's singing is a song
Full of the storm-wind's power.
Youth's lips are very sweet: a man's lips are as fire
And life and death he holds subject to his desire
And grasps them as a woman grasps a flower.