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[I sit upo' a simmer bank]

I sit upo' a simmer bank
To view the flower sae bloomin'
I think my sweetheart may cum bye
& she's a luvley woman
Her sunday gown's gat yellow flowers
Her sunday gown's gat green
& she's gat twa three sunday gowns
The sweetest e'er war seen
Her cheeks are like the buddin' rose
Her face the rose fu' blown
Her lukes are what a' natur' knows
I think her heart my ain
I wish she'd cum amang the flowers
& be a flower her sell
I'd press her in these hartsum hours
& luv' her beauty well
Her bonnet is a hat o' strae
Which village maids adorn
Not ane o' mayday seemed sae bra'
She had it new at morn
The ribbons they war green & blue
& naethin luked sae sweet
Ane colour spring the tuther true
Her smiles I luvd to greet
I wish that she wud wanner bye
Amang the flowers & bee's
She'd in this arbour see me lie
The place war sure to please
I see her now i' gown o' green
I' fancies happy e'e—
Strae hat the sweetest e'er was seen
I wish she'd wanner bye