University of Virginia Library

Three days, two nights, the labor was pursued:
For food, or rest, was intermission scant.
The out-worn briefly slept, while toiled the strong;
Then rose, and took their place; while those, for sleep,
An hour perchance, retired; and woke again,
Again in vain to toil: for still the flames,
In one part quenched, as if with doubled rage
Striving for mastery, in another burst;
Roaring triumphant; and their myriad flags


Shaking in mockery.
Throughout all that time,
With eyes that never closed, from place to place,—
As chief directing, now,—with his own hand
Now, as a peasant toiling;—warning, now,—
And, now, encouraging,—Arbaces went;
And with him victory. But the flames, subdued
Before him, still behind him burst anew;
Nor, save a flood from heaven, might aught avail
To stop the fiery plague. Like brethren, strove
The soldiers, and the chiefs, so lately foes,
Each, in bold act and vigour, to outdo
His daring comrade.
One man only, stood
Inactive, unapproving,—the dark priest
Belesis. He, the hand direct of heaven
Beheld, the solemn doom accomplishing
Of that proud city: and but smiled, in scorn
Of man's poor hope to stay it.
To the camp,
The women, children, all the sick, the aged,
The feeble,—on the first day had been sent:
The treasures also, gold, and precious stones,
And costly merchandise,—a sumless store,—
Had been borne forth: and, as the fires increased,
With utter ruin threatening,—household goods,
Apparel for the wealthy, and the poor;
Oxen, and sheep, and goats; corn, oil, and wine,
A twelvemonth's full provision; priestly robes,
Ashres, and cherubim; the altars rich;
The images, in silver and in gold;—
All which the hand of man might bear away,
Had to the camp been taken.
The third night,
Arbaces to the mound of Ninus climbed;
That over all the city he might look,
And mark if much the Fury had been stayed;
Or if all hope were vain.
Descending quick,
A hurried council with the chiefs at hand


He called, and briefly thus.
“Alas! my friends,
Our toil is lost! the gods assist us not!
The lowering clouds, three days did promise rain;
The winds all slumbered; and no idle hope
Upheld us, that heaven's fountains once again
Might open, and give forth a second flood,
To stay this burning: but, since set the sun,
Hath come a perilous change! In one dense mass,
The cloud-sea hath moved off, and left clear sky,
And flashing starlight: token that the winds
In earnest have awakened. Not as yet
Their breath is felt below: but, on the mound
Of Ninus, the high branches give a sound
Of wailing; and along the horizon's marge,
Rugged, and black, the storm-clouds lift their heads.
Not surer follows light upon the sun,
Than on such signs the tempest. 'Mid these fires
Whomso the blast shall find,—him will it leave
Graved there; or whirl in ashes on its wings.
Labor then useless, danger imminent,
I urge that all, through nearest gates, should speed
To leave the city; every living thing;
From man, unto the lowest that draws breath.
Should the relenting gods their purpose change;
Hold back the winds, and let heaven's flood-gates loose,
We still shall be at hand; still prompt to act;
And stronger for brief rest.”
The outworn chiefs
With voice unanimous his words approved;
And hastily dispersed. From wall to wall,
Throughout the city, trumpets quickly spake
The appointed signal: and, like flooded streams,
Through every gate the affrighted myriads ran.
Safe distance gained at length, the multitudes,
Panting and trembling, stopped, and turned to gaze.
As yet was calm portentous: man on man,
Looked awe-struck, silent, marvelling what should come.
Straight upward from the city rose the flames;
Thick wreaths of smoke, like a huge blood-stained pall,


Above them heavily hanging.
But not long
Endured that stillness,—the tornado's crouch,
Before its deadly spring. In the western sky
A dark cloud rose; and every instant waxed
Huger, and blacker. As within it fought
Legions of fiery fiends,—anon it gleamed
With inward lightnings, dense as arrow-showers
In mortal battle. Nearer as it drew,—
Thick as the snaky hairs on Gorgon's head,
On every side out leaped the forkëd flames;
Some spent in air; some in the heart of earth
Plunging to kindred fires. Yet still stirred not
One breath of wind; the flames still upward soared.
But well the signs were known; and to the earth
Fell down the multitudes: so best to abide
The coming of the Terror.
A loud blare
Of thunder's trumpet told its coming on:
And, in a moment,—as, from prow to stern,
A great wave sweeps the ship,—o'er all the plain,—
Crushing the thunder 'neath its avalanche roar,—
At once the enormous hurricane-billow swept.
So hard it struck that, like one monstrous torch,
The darkened city might have seemed blown out.
But, like an active wrestler, after fall,
Upspringing to his feet,—again the flames
Leaped up to battle. Staggering they appeared
Beneath the onset. Back they sank, and rose,
And sank, and rose again: but fiercer still
With every instant waxing. Not such roar
Goes up from storm-lashed ocean, 'gainst the rocks
Shattered to mist, as from that fiery lake,
Writhing and racked by the mad hurricane.
On all sides round the city, myriads lay,
Panting, and trembling: for, from every gate,—
The nighest chosen still,—had crowds poured forth.
But they who on the eastern plain reclined,
Not long remained; for, streaming on the blast,
Came choking smoke in clouds; huge flakes of fire;


And scorching heat, as from an oven's mouth,
That headlong drove them, at their swiftest speed,
Trembling, and terrified, and screaming loud,
To 'scape the torturing plague. Yet many fell,
Blown prostrate,—or by fear unnerved and faint;
And in that agony had perished there,
But that the wind, with sudden fitfulness,
Like wild beast on new prey, sprang to and fro;
Now south; now east; north now; and now again
From westward roaring. With each rapid change,
They on whom turned the Fury, shrieking flew:
Oxen ran bellowing; maddened steeds broke loose;
And dogs fled howling.
Settling, at the last,
Their discord,—as if leagued how best to bring
Swiftest destruction,—in one awful whirl
The winds combined; and round the city tore,
As they would rend it piecemeal; or, as hell
The demons had let loose, earth's fire to urge
To her own ardor.
Temple, pinnacle,
Tower, battlement,—whatever highest stood,—
At once was overthrown. Descending then,
Whole streets the blast laid prostrate.
The huge pile
Of Ninus,—which, for thrice five hundred years,
Unharmed had stood, as though defying Time
To lay his rebel-hand on its great state,—
Proud, and erect, yet held its regal front;
Though, by the whirlwind, and the storm of fire,
All else within the girding walls had sunk,—
But felt, at last, its doom. The century-beat
Of the Time-cycle's mighty pendulum,—
Measuring the dates of empires and of worlds,—
Swept by, and boomed its knell. Shuddering at heart,—
Like some o'erbeetling cliff, on ocean's marge,
Thousands of years by billows undermined,
And worn by storms,—it bent its giant knees;
Bowed its great head; and, death-struck, in a heap
Sank down together!


As though mad with joy
At that great overthrow,—its viewless arms,
Terrific in their strength, the whirlwind stretched;
And,—over all the city lifting up
The burning ruins,—in one monstrous wheel,
High in the air upbore them. Ponderous stones,
Red-hot; huge blazing timbers, tall as masts,—
In that tremendous vortex, even like straws
On eddying wind were tossed,—like brilliant motes
In sunbeam, fiercely battled: now aloft,
A clear red burning,—now, in waves of smoke,
And fiery driftings, like the dust of hell,
All swallowed up, and lost.
The walls alone,
Those Titan walls, deemed lasting as the hills,
Yet stood; the banks of that terrific lake,
Lashed into fire-foam. But their hour was come.
The death-shriek of the whirlwind rose at last;
Strongest in dying. As from the huge throat
Of torn volcano in its agony,
Resounded the dire roaring.
That dread voice
Called up the awaiting Earthquake. He arose
In his deep regions; and the plains and hills
With a sharp tremor shook; for well they knew
His terrible footstep. Gathering up his strength,
He stretched his vast, far-reaching arms, and shook
The solid earth, as winds the deep sea shake,
In long, slow-rolling waves.
The enormous walls,
Like a fast-sinking ship, rocked heavily;
Writhing, and twisting, as they knew the hand
Of death had struck them. Like a riven scroll,
From summit to foundation-stone they gaped,
A hundred hideous fissures. Still they stood;
The ruin of a moment, yet so firm
In their vast bulk, that ages long had lived
The ghastly grandeur yet,—but that again
The Earthquake shook; and lo! from north to south,—
Like some gigantic billow, eagle-swift,


Running aslant in thunder and in foam
Along the howling beach,—the eastern wall,
Through all its length rolled inward. To the clouds
Upflew the fiery spray. The surging ground,—
Tossing the burning lake, as it went on,
In waves of fiercer flame,—the western wall,
All that yet stood, next lifted, and cast down.
As though with havoc satiate, rested then
The dread Earthshaker. But his task not yet
Was all accomplished: still, to south, and north,
As in defiance of his power, stood fixed
The cliff-like barriers: he but summoned up,
For the great final overthrow his might.
By buried thunder heralded, it came.
As he would burst the globe's strong ceiling in,
And to the eye of day the depths disclose
Of the dread realms beneath,—the Demon shook,
And heaved, and smote the ground. No moment stood
Before that shock the walls. Sheer down they went,
With headlong plunge; as if, in mad despair,
To hasten their own doom.
The work was done.
The fitful whirlwind, like a bird of prey
Full gorged, soared upwards, bearing on its wings
Dense smoke, and clouds of fire. Far off it flew,
Angrily murmuring; and in distance died.
The earth no more was shaken: save the voice
Of the great conflagration, all was still.
When, far as eye could pierce, the millions looked,—
No stone upon another seemed to stand!
Where, in the pride of power, and boundless pomp,
Long ages had been throned the Eastern Queen,
Raged now a sea of flame unquenchable!
Awe-struck, and sad, the gathered nations gazed;
Then, as one soul had ruled them, turned aside,
Bent down the head, and wept. The crown of earth,
Her glory, and her sunshine, seemed at once
Shattered, and quenched; the brightest star of heaven
Darkened, and fallën!
As through forest vast,
The plaintive moaning of the wintry wind,


Pervading far and wide, through midnight sounds,—
So, from that countless multitude, the voice
Of wailing, and of lamentation deep,
Rose on the stirless air.
One man alone,
Erect, exulting, on the ruin gazed,—
The priest Belesis; for, accomplished now,
The visions and the prophecies of years
He saw before him. On the arm he touched
The sorrowing Mede; and, with an eye of fire,
And countenance of triumph glowing bright,
Pointed, and proudly smiled. Arbaces looked,
Yet breathed no word; but shook the head, and wept.
Throughout the night was heard the voice of woe:
None to his fellows, save in whisper, spake:
None from his place removed.
Day dawned at length;
And then, like mourners who long time have bent
O'er the dark grave, and bid the last farewell,
To needful tasks they went.
Nine days and nights,
Streamed up the flames; and still the downcast hosts
Lingered to watch, and weep. But, on the morn
Of the tenth day,—toward Babylon, new seat
Of Eastern power, the human sea 'gan flow.
On the broad summits of the southern hills,
At eve the nations camped; still full in view
Of that great burning. But the flames no more
Their hands triumphant lifted. One vast sheet,
As 'twere a lake of molten iron, lay,
Voiceless, and motionless; with glare intense,
Dyeing eve's sober raiment!
At deep night,
Heaven's flood-gates wide were opened; and came down
Heavy, incessant rain. Down, down, straight down
As sinking plummet's line,—the broad, close drops
Unceasingly came down.
Day rose; but dark
As Polar twilight: still was heard no sound,
Save the great boiling of the ponderous flood.


Noon came,—a deep eclipse! yet stirred no man.
Eve passed: and night—a pitchy blackness—fell;
Yet still down, down, the unremitting rain
Poured in thick torrents down!
Another dawn;
Another noon, and eve,—another night
Of Stygian blackness,—and still ceaselessly,
As from wide-opened fountains in the sky,
The roaring deluge fell.
On the third morn
Again heaven's flood-gates closed; and, when gray light
Stole o'er the sky,—from their close shelter came
The wearied millions, and looked forth. But lo!
The spacious plain seemed now an inland sea:
In midst thereof,—with one high mound alone
Upstanding yet,—an island, low and dark,
And like a cauldron steaming. Where, so late,
The dwellings of the millions, pleasure-steeped;
Palace, and tower, and temple, battlement,
And rock-like wall, eternal deemed, had stood,—
One huge black waste of smouldering ashes lay!
So sank, to endless night, that glorious Nineveh!