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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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[Come, weary and sorrowful soul]

Come, for all Things are now ready.” Luke xiv. 17.


Come, weary and sorrowful soul,
Attend to the voice from above;
Time's circles incessantly roll
Thy spirit, from earth, to remove:
Thou now art not far from thy home,
The end of the perilous strife;
The Saviour invites thee to come,
And taste of the River of Life!


Despise not the merciful sound,
The feast, the acceptable day!
To-morrow too late may be found,
This moment the summons obey!


The guests are encouraged to meet,
Free, to all, as the sun and the rain;
But those, who excuses repeat,
Shall knock, and no entrance obtain!


Thou hast trifled, O sinner! too long,
With objects more precious than mines!
But the beam of compassion is strong,
And this moment refulgent it shines!
Christ calls on the starving around;
Unrestricted to bond or to free:
The condition, eternal, is found;
“Help, Lord! for my hope is in thee!”


To the sceptre of righteousness bow!
Come! the banquet is open to-day!
Ten thousand, as wretched as thou,
Have not been sent empty away!
Come! sinner! the feast is prepared!
Partake of the bread and the wine!
And the oath of a God has declared,
That forgiveness, through Christ, shall be thine!