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Poems on Various Subjects

By John Thelwall. In Two Volumes

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On seeing a Bird perched on the Summit of a Poplar while it was shaking with the Breeze.

See, on yon poplar's topmast spray,
The little warbler stands;
And, fearless, while he pours the lay,
The distant view commands.


The spray that shakes with ev'ry breeze
That fans the vernal air,
Shakes not his bosom's tranquil ease,
Nor gives one trembling care.
No weight of guilt to press him down,
No stores his heart to 'thrall;
Should he from yonder spray be thrown,
He fears no dang'rous fall.
If shaken from the fickle spray,
He'll claim his native skies,
And sweetly pour his sprightly lay,
As thro' the air he flies.
So 'tis with him whose tranquil soul
With pious ardour glows;
No cares his steady joys controul,
He fears no threat'ning woes.
Secure on Danger's brink he stands,
And laughs at Fortune's spite:
Prepar'd, when Fate or Chance commands,
To seek the Realms of Light.