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Poems on Several Occasions

With Anne Boleyn to King Henry VIII. An Epistle. By Mrs. Elizabeth Tollet. The Second Edition

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To Mrs. ROKEBY, Junior, At Arthingworth.

Invisible, and unconfin'd by Place,
Your rural Haunts the Heav'n born Muse can trace:
Where smiling Love attends the beautous Bride,
And the calm Hours in golden Circles glide
Remote from Tumult, Avarice and Pride.
Her airy Steps pursue where'er you rove;
Ascend the Hill or range around the Grove:
Where thro' the sylvan Glades her View she tires,
To count the distant Vills and rising Spires.
There the first Object that your Eyes command,
Thro' Vistas planted by a Father's Hand,
Is the fair Prospect of paternal Land.
For Wealth let others try the faithless Main;
More certain are the Labours of the Swain:
For you this Verdure springs, this Harvest grows;
And these tall Oaks their spacious Arches close.
Or now reposing in the rustic Cell,
Or in the Bow'r of lonely Philomel,
Your own soft Voice assists the Lover's String,
And all the Woods with gay Vertumnus ring.
All shapes to please the am'rous Youth had try'd;
Till with his own the Captive Nymph comply'd:
So may thyself be bless'd; and so thy Grove,
Where conscious Virtue dwells, and constant Love.