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The works of Horace, translated into verse

With a prose interpretation, for the help of students. And occasional notes. By Christopher Smart ... In four volumes

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He promises a sacrifice to the fountain, whose pleasantness he highly commends.

Hail, clear as crystal to the eyes,
Blandusia's fav'rite spring;
O worthy to receive the prize
Of wine and flow'rs we bring;
To-morrow we shall give thy flood
A kid, whose horns begin to bud,
And fight and wantonness portend:
In vain—his pranks must be no more—
For shortly with his sacred gore
He thy cool stream shall blend.
Thee scorching Sirius cannot touch—
You yield a pleasing shade,
Which for the steers, when work'd too much,
And wand'ring flock's display'd.
Thou shalt be register'd by fame,
A fountain of illustrious name,
Whilst I thy useful beauties book;
The oak so happy on the spot,
To overhang thine hollow grot,
Whence spouts thy pratling brook.