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Moral and political fables

ancient and modern. Done into Measurd Prose intermixd with Ryme. By Dr. Walter Pope

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Fab. LV. The Cormorant, Bat, and Bramble.
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Fab. LV. The Cormorant, Bat, and Bramble.

A Cormorant, a Bramble, and a Bat,
Resolvd to try their Luck in Merchandise:
The Cormorant adventurd Brazen Ware,
The Bramble Cloth, and the Bat ready Cash,
Borrowed of griping Bankers at great Use.
They chearfully Embarqud, despising Danger,
So prevalent with them was the hope of Gain;
A sudden Storm arose and sunk their Ship,
And they three only got alive to Land.
And ever since this their unhappy loss,


The Cormorant stands watching on the Sand,
Hoping the Waves will cast his Vessels up:
The Bramble pulls the Passenger by's Coat,
Tares Patterns off, to see where 'tis her Cloth.
But the poor Bat his Debts so much affright,
He dares not peep out of the doors till Night.

The Moral.

To root out Vice, 'tis not an easie thing,
'Twill grow again, if you leave the least String.