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The louer suspected of change praieth that it be not beleued against him.
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The louer suspected of change praieth that it be not beleued against him.

Accused though I be, without desert:
Sith none can proue, beleue it not for true.
For neuer yet, since that you had my hert,
Intended I to false, or be vntrue.
Sooner I would of death sustayn the smart,
Than breake one word of that I promised you.
Accept therfore my seruice in good part.
None is alyue, that can yll tonges eschew.
Hold them as false: and let not vs depart
Our frendship olde, in hope of any new.
Put not thy trust in such as vse to fayn,
Except thou mynde to put thy frend to payn.