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De sancto Philippo

Sein Phelip and sein Iacob apostles were tweie
Þe verste day þat comeþ in May deþ hi þolede beie
After oure Louerdes passion in þe twentiþe ȝere
Sein Phelip prechede in Sithie men þat vuel were
Þis men nome sein Phelip and to hore maumet gonne lede
Sone so he byuore him com þis maumet gan to grede
Vur he bleu out of is mouþ þer wiþ he broȝte of dawe
Þe princes sone of þe lond & tweie constables of þe lawe
And alle þe men þat were þer ney swuþe gret vuel nome
Somme were in þe dropesie and somme musels bicome
Muche was þe reuþe into al þe lond of þis misauenture
Wolle ȝe quaþ sein Phelip þo mi conseil ihure
And ichelle þoru Godes grace hele ȝou euerichon
Glad was þat folk of þis word grantede is wille anon
Bereþ he sede þis foule wi[ȝt] þat ȝe habbeþ to ibede
And nimeþ þe figure of þe crois [ &] setteþ inis stude
Þat folk was glad of þe biheste ac ar þare were inowe
A rode hi sette up anhei & þe maumet al todrowe
Sein Phelip þoru oure Louerdes grace drof out touore hore eiȝe
A grislich deuel out þerof þat hi alle iseie
Þo þe rode was up iset & þe maumet ibroȝt to gronde
Al þe sike þat were þer ney bicome hol and sonde
And þe þreo men þat were aslawe aȝen to liue come
Muche was þe ioie into al þe lond þat men þerof nome
Hy auonge Cristendom and honurede þe rode
And biluuede on him þat þer uppon for us ssadde is blode
Þoru uertu of þis faire miracle muchedel of þe londe
Bigan to auonge Cristendom & þe bileue vnderstonde
After þe wissinge of sein Phelip hi gonne al hore lif lede
For prophecie & riȝtwisnesse hi heolde al þat he sede
Þo sein Phelip was six[ti] ȝer & seuene & twenti old
Inis bedde he deide al in pes as þe boc us haþ itold
Gret deol made þe volk þo wel vaire me him nom


And broȝte him an eorþe wiþ gret honur as to such man bicom