University of Virginia Library

Bifor þe soudan com Gyoun,
& him biheld als a lyoun,
& seyd, ‘soudan, þou schalt abigge:
Þine heued þou schalt forgon, y sigge.’
Opon þe cheyer þer he sat
Gij toke him bi þe top wiþ þat,
& þat heued he dede of fle
Opon þe bord of appel tre.
Þe heued he toke in his hond,
& in his lappe he it wond.
Wel hastiliche he went him, y-wis,
Of þe Sarraȝins adrede he is.
An hundred heuedes he dede of flen
Of þilke þat him stode oȝen.
Wiþ him he forþ þat heued bar,
Maugre alle þat þer war.
Þurch þat ost he rode smartliche,
His hors him bar hastiliche.
Þer miȝt men se þe Sarrazin
Bi on & on wende to Apolin.
Wel fast after him þai come,
& alle þai wold han him nome.
Gij to aseylen þai wer ȝep;
Vnarmed were þe most hep.
Gij drouȝ him toward an hulle,
Þe Sarrazins him driuen snelle:
Boþe bi hundred & þousende
Him go þe Sarrazins driueinde.
On ich half þai smiten him to,
& he oȝain to hem also:
Neuer no was an-lepy kniȝt
Þat so mani stond miȝt.


Bot god nim of him ȝeme,
His liif it is michel awene.