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Collected poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt

Edited by Kenneth Muir and Patricia Thomson

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[Comfort thy self my wofull hert]

Comfort thy self my wofull hert
Or shortly on thy self the wreke,
For length redoubleth dedly smert:
Why sighes thou, hert, and woult not breke?
To wast in sighes were pitious deth;
Alas, I fynd the faynt and weke.
Enforce thy self to lose thy breth:
Why sighes thou then, and woult not breke?
Thou knowest right well that no redresse
Is thus to pyne, and for to speke,
Pardy, it is remediles:
Why sighes thou then, and woult not breke?
It is to late for to refuse
The yoke when it is on thy neck;
To shak it of vaileth not to muse:
Why sighes thou then, and woult not breke?
To sobbe and sigh it were but vain,
Syns there is none that doeth it reke;


Alas, thou doyst prolong thy pain:
Why sighes thou then, and woult not breke?
Then in her sight, to move her hert,
Seke on thy self thy self to wreke,
That she may knowe thou sufferdst smert:
Sigh there thy last, and therewith breke!