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Minerva Britanna

Or A Garden of Heroical Deuises, furnished, and adorned with Emblemes and Impresa's of sundry natures, Newly devised, moralized, and published, By Henry Peacham

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Tutissima comes.

Lo Pallas heere, with heedefull eie doth leade;
Vlisses in his travaile farre and neere:
That he aright, might in his Iourney treade,
And shunne the traine of Error, every where:
N' ought had Vlisses, ever brought to passe,
But this great Goddesse, his directresse was.
Though Homer did invent it long agoe,
And we esteeme it as a fable vaine:
While heere we wander, it doth wisely show,
With all our actions, Wisedome should remaine;
And where we goe, take Pallas still along
To guide our feete, our eares, and lavish tongue.