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The Shorter Poems of Ralph Knevet

A Critical Edition by Amy M. Charles

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Upon this shady banke with laurels crown'd,
The gentle Shepheard Rhodon dwels:
His Cottage seated is upon a Cristall River,
The sweetest streame that e're in valley crept.
Two pretious presents I to him must beare:
The one from his true love, the beaut'ous Iris,
And that's a gemme of admirable vertue;
The bounty of the Easterne mines could ne're bestow
A Jewell of such worth as this,
Which from the entrailes of a Cocke was ripp'd;
For whosoever shall possesse the same,
Shall be invincible in fight.
But his deare Sister, lovely Violetta,
Commends to him this admirable plant,
The noblest herbe that e're in garden grew.
For, setting many pretious properties aside,


It is the best and strongest antidote
That Art or Nature ever made.
No deadly poyson can withstand its power,
But is expulst by it with great facility.
These noble gifts beseeming well,
Both the receivers and the givers qualities,
I will deliver to the honour'd Swaine.