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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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71 To his Wife for striking her Dogge.
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71 To his Wife for striking her Dogge.

Your little Dogge that barkt as I came by,
I strake by hap so hard, I made him cry,
And straight you put your finger in your eye,
And lowring sate, and askt the reason why.
Loue me, and loue my Dogge, thou didst reply:
Loue as both should be lou'd. I will, said I,
And seald it with a kisse. Then by and by,
Cleer'd were the clouds of thy faire frowning sky.
Thus small euents, great masteries may try.
For I by this, doe at their meaning ghesse,
That beate a Whelpe afore a Lyonesse.