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A worke in Ryme contayning an Enter-lude of Myndes, witnessing the Mans Fall from God and Christ. Set forth by HN, and by him newly porused and amended. Translated out of Base-almaynes into English [by Christopher Vitell?]

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We shall not need likwyse, to add anything to Thatt/
Therfore, all sorowfull Mocions, let vs now forsake/
And on Christ Satisfaction, our Uaunting highly make/
And also liue, from hence forth, without any Sorow or Care.

Yea/yea: becom vnregarding/so can I fetch you in my Snare.
Cumber not yourselues/about the Saluacion.

Com-on/let vs of the Scripture, go make Examinacion/
Whither it do not vnto vs, this Matter thus expounde.
We wil drawe it all therto, that theruppon doth sounde:
Then knowe we how to confirme it all, as Scripture manifests.