University of Virginia Library



My little son, my little son,”
Thus Mary spake to him,
What time he played with childish toys
Within the chamber dim.
“The day is done, my little son,
Night draweth near,” she said;
“Come to thy mother, little one,
And rest thy weary head.”
The young child came with willing feet,
And looked into her face;
Then nestled in her tender arms,
Held in a close embrace.


Lightly his fingers touched her brow;
Sighed he: “Why art thou sad?
There is no laughter in thine eyes;
O mother dear, be glad!”
Then playfully and tenderly
She clasped him to her breast;
“Nay! but I smile, I laugh,” she said.
“Now close thine eyes and rest.”
But round the dim and shadowy room
The wide eyes wandered far.
“What is this story that they tell
Of shepherds and a star—
“That led three wise men from the East
Across the desert wold,
Bearing unto a new-born child
Rich gifts and shining gold?
“O mother dear, O mother dear,
Tell me the baby's name,


And why the angels sang of him,
And why the wise men came!”
Ah, then did Mary's heart beat fast;
Her lips crushed back a moan;
“Ask me not this, my little son,
Till thou art older grown.
“What thou knowest not, in God's own time
He will make known to thee;
Sleep now, dear heart, and take thy rest
Ere yet the dark hours be.”
But still the tireless lips went on:
“I dreamed a dream last night—
A wondrous dream of one who came
Clad in a robe of light.
“He led me to a carven chest,
He turned a golden key;
But even as he raised the lid
A cloud encompassed me,


“And from the air, like music rare,
A voice fell low and deep;
‘The hour hath not yet come,’ it said,
‘Let the child longer sleep.’”
The mother pondered silently,
Her only answer this:
To fold the drooping eyelids down
And seal them with a kiss.