University of Virginia Library



Come away, for Love is dead,
And the hope we knew is banished;
Gone the halo from his head,
From his face the glory vanished:
Come away, for Love is dead.
Fold the white hands on his breast;
Part the bright hair, smooth it slowly:
Come away, and let him rest
In the place he long made holy:
Fold the white hands on his breast.
Lay no rose upon his heart—
All our roses too are perished:
Say no word; but now depart—
Nothing's left us here we cherished:
Lay no rose upon his heart.
Kiss no more the locks of gold,
And the lips so silent sleeping:
Let no tear fall as of old—
What availeth kiss or weeping!
Kiss no more the locks of gold.
Come away, and hope no more:
Love is dead and life grown lonely.


Joy's departed at the door,
Memory remaineth only:
Come away and hope no more.
Now befalls the end of day;
End of all; yea, we must sever:
By this Cross beside the way
Kneel and pray, then part forever:
Now befalls the end of day.