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Female Roommate wanted to share
three-bedroom country house, 15
min. Univ. furnished, $50/mo.
296-9637, 293-5867.

Ride to Dayton, Ohio or vicinity
Dec. 16, 17, 18. Will share expenses
and driving. 293-7035.

Female Roommate wanted:
furnished apartment, heat, air.
cond. included. Close to grounds.
$47.50/month. 296-5973.

Cabin on Lake in country. Need
roommate January or February
thru May. Own room—Call
823-5471. Late nights.

Piano Player wanted-two nights
weekly at $20.00 per night (3
hours) Phone 296-5597.

Female Roommate-Completely
furnished, two-bedroom country
cottage. $67.00 Call (day)
924-3987; (night) 296-8317.
Available now.

2 Students need third for large
furnished 2 bedroom apt; 1/2 block
from corner; call 295-0361.

Male Companion and sitter for 6 yr.
old boy— 3 or 4 afternoons per
week, Own transportation
desirable. Call 973-5458 beg. Jan