University of Virginia Library

A Fine Virginia Farm For Sale.

"CARLTON" (the name of the property referred to) has long been known
as one of the handsomest estates in Piedmont Virginia. It was formerly the
home of the Bankheads, then the residence of Hon. Alexander Rives, and later
of Mr. B. H. Brennan. The farm lies just below Monticello, surrounded by picturesque
mountain and lowland scenery. There are some 500 acres of land, of
which perhaps one-third is woodland, the rest is arable and in a high state of cultivation.
There are beautiful graded roads through the place in every desirable
direction, aad a bold stream runs through the farm. A vineyard of the best varieties
of grapes, and covering nearly 100 acres, is in full bearing. The dwelling
overlooks most of the farm, Charlottesville, the Junction of the C. & O. and V.
M. railroads; is a large brick structure, with some 12 or 14 rooms, well pitched,
large and handsome. Terms easy. Address John L. Cochran, Chas. H. Harman,
Geo. Perkins, Trustees.