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Professor Buckmaster.

In Obstetrics instruction is given by lectures, and the mechanical principles
involved in the study are explained by the use of suitable preparations
and models. The systematic use of the manikin with the fœtus has made it
possible for the student to obtain a knowledge of obstetric manipulations
which he can acquire in no other way. Routine work with the manikin
is obligatory.

Text-Book.—Outlines of Obstetrics, by Charles Jewett (W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia).
For Reference.—The Science and Art of Midwifery, by W. T. Lusk (D. Appleton
& Co., New York).

In Gynecology instruction is given by lectures and recitations, and the
plastic operations necessary to repair injuries of the pelvic structures are shown
during the course. Practical training in the details of gynecological treatment
is given at the Dispensary.

Text-Book.—The Professor's Syllabus. For Reference.—Principles and Practice of
Gynecology, by T. A. Emmet (Lea Bros. & Co., Philadelphia); Treatise on the Diseases
of Women, by A. J. C. Skene (D. Appleton & Co., New York).