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Page 47


In view of the fact that a debater should get as much material
as possible on the subject, it is suggested that additional literature
be obtained from the National American Woman's Suffrage Association,
505 Fifth Avenue, New York, and from the Association Opposed
to Woman Suffrage, 29 W. 39th St., New York. Possibly some
of the references below may be gotten from the Virginia State Library
at Richmond or Library of Congress at Washington. The H.
W. Wilson Co., White Plains, N. Y., will let one have magazine articles
on woman suffrage at a small cost.

Articles in Periodicals.

Co-citizens of California, Collier's 48:20—Oct. 28, '11.

New state for woman suffrage. Harper's Bazaar—4538. Jan. '11.

Spectacular woman suffrage in American. Independent 71:804-10—
Oct. 12, '11.

Woman suffrage in six states. Independent 71:967—70 Nov. 2, '11.

Woman's victory in Washington. Collier's 46:25—Jan. 7, '11.

Result of woman's suffrage. Outlook—98:757. Aug. 5, '11.

Victory in sight. Harper's Bazaar 45:345 July '11.

Why I am a suffragist. World Today 21:1171-8 Oct. '11.

Woman suffrage marching on. Current Lit. 51:596-600 Dec. '11.

Woman suffrage on trial. Outlook 99:50-1 Sept. 2, '11.

Women should mind their own business. Independent 70:1370-1.
June 22, '11.

World movement for woman suffrage. R. of R's. 44:725-9 Dec. '11.

Women's rights. Outlook 100:302-4. Feb. 10, '12.

Women's rights and the duties of both men and women. Outlook
100:262-6 Feb. 3, '12.

Progress of woman's suffrage. Outlook 102:375-6 Oct. 26, '12.

Woman-suffrage victory. Literary Digest 45:941-3 Nov. 23, '12.

Cassandra on votes for women. 19th Century 69:487-98 March '11.

Is woman suffrage important? North American Rev. 193:60-71
Jan. '11.

Objections to woman suffrage. Harp. W. 55:6. Dec. 2, '11.

Past, present and future. North Amer. Rev. 194:271-81 Aug. '11.

Recent strides of woman's suffrage. World's Work—22:14733-45
Aug. '11.

Teaching violence to women. Cent. 84:151-3 May '12.

Violence and votes. Independent 72:1416-9 June 27, '12.

Violence in the woman's suffrage movement: a disavowal of the
militant policy. Cent. 85:148-9 Nov. '12.

Votes for women. Harper's W. 56:6 Sept. 21, '12.

Why I want woman's suffrage. Collier's 48:18 March 16, '12.

Woman and the state. Forum 48:394-408 Oct. '12.

Woman and the suffrage. Harper's W. 56:6 Aug. 17, '12.

Woman the savior of the state. World's Work 23:418-21. Feb. '12.

Mission of Women. North Amer. 196:204-14. Aug. '12.

New prophetess of feminism. Forum 48:455-64. Oct. '12.

Questions of suffrage. Nation 94:132 Feb. 8, '12.

Right of the silent women. Outlook 101:105-6 May 18, '12.

Sermons in stones. Contemporary Rev. 101:493-501 Apr. '12.

Shall women vote? Outlook 101:754-5. Aug. 3, '12.

Success of woman suffrage. Ind. 73:334-5. Aug. 8, '12.

Equal suffrage dialogue. Harper's W. 56:11. Oct. 19, '12.

Famed biologist's warning of the peril in votes for women. Cur.
Lit. —53:59-62 July '12.


Page 48

For the twenty-two million; why most women do not want to vote.
Outlook 101; 26-30 May 4, '12.

From door to door. Harper's W. 55:26 Dec. 30, '11.

Grace before lawlessness. Cent. 83:790-2 Mar. '12.

Poll of women on the suffrage. Outlook 104:268-70 June 7, '13.

President and the suffragists. Lit. Digest 47:1209-11. Dec. 20, '13.

Suffrage conquest of Illinois. Lit. Digest. 46:1409-10 June 28, '13.

Votes for three million women. R. of R.'s 46:700-4 Dec. '12.

Women on Washington juries. Ind. 75:50-2 July 3, '13.

Women's parliamentary franchise in practice. 19th Cent. 74:979-87.
Nov. 1913.

Year of equal suffrage. World's Work 27:14-5 Nov. '13.

Younger suffragists. Harper's W. 58:7-8 Sept. 27, '13.

California stateslady. Collier's 52:5-6 Nov. 1, '13.

How California women voters made good. Rev. of Reviews
47:608-10 May '13.

Unexpurgated case against woman suffrage. Contemporary Review
104:745-8 Nov. '13.

Why I voted for equal suffrage. Independent 75:634-5 Sept. 11, '13.

Open letter on woman suffrage. Outlook 103:893-4 Apr. 26th, '13.

Trust the ballot upon women. Ind. 75:31 July 3, '13.

Time to stop it. Ind. 73:1439-40 Dec. 19, '12.

Argument against woman suffrage. Ind. 75:301-2 Aug. 7, '13.

Art and the woman's movement. Forum 49:680-4 June '13.

Ask her. Outlook 103:839-40 Apr. 19, '13.

Ballot as an ethical education for women. Cur. Opinion 54:483-4
June '13.

Don't ask her. Outlook 104:54-5 May 10, '13.

Will women vote? Independent 78:320 May 25, '14.

Woman suffrage at work in America. 19th Cent. 75:415-33 Feb. '14.

Woman suffrage in U. S. 19th Cent. 74:1336-41 Dec. '13.

Woman's hand in Illinois. Lit. Digest 48:891-2 Apr. 18, '14.

Woman's vote in Utah. Harper's W. 58:18 May 2, '14.

Women vote in Illinois. Outlook 106:509-11. Mar. 7, '14.

Anti-suffrage argument. Collier's 49:27 Apr. 20, '12.

Catholic view of woman suffrage. Lit. Digest 44:1211-2 June 8, '12.

Suffrage as a national issue. Lit. Digest 48:745-6 Apr. 4, '14.

Ventilated opinions. Collier's 53:8 Mar. 21, '14.

Woman and morality. 19th Cent. 75:128-40 Jan. '14. Same article
Liv. Age 280:515-24 Feb. 28, '14.

Working of equal suffrage. North American 199:338-43 Mar. '14.

Annual invasion of congress by the woman suffragists. Cur. Opinion
56:9-11. Jan. '14.

How women vote. Harper's W. 58:20-3 Apr. 25, '14.

National constitution will enfranchise women. North American
199:709-21 May '14.

Two suffrage mistakes: proposed suffrage amendment to constitution
and opposition to payment of income tax. North American
199:366-82 Mar. '14.

What have women done with the vote? Cent. 87:663-71. Mar. '14.

Clubwomen for suffrage. (U. S.) Lit. Digest 49:4-5 July 4, '14.

Abdication. 19th Century 74:1328-35 Dec. '13. Same article Living
Age. 280:195-200 Jan. 24, '14.

Creative Evolution and the woman question? Educ. R. 47:22-7 Jan. '14.

Prof. Beyer and the woman question. Educ. Review 47:295-8
Mar. '14.

Progress and feminity. Harper's Weekly 58:27 Jan. 3, '14.

Solvency of woman. Edin. R. 219:14-34 Jan. '14.

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