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Brimfull of all evil, and void of all good,
Heavy laden with guilt and o'erwhelm'd with the load,
At Jesus's feet a mere sinner I lie,
A sinner at Jesus's feet cannot die.
Sick of every disease that a spirit can know,
I out of myself for a remedy go;
The remedy gushes from Jesus's side,
And my soul shall be heal'd when His blood is applied.


Ye children of God, Your Father adore,
By Satan unawed Rejoice evermore,
Where Christians assemble He always is near,
But Satan may tremble, For Jesus is here.


We trust in our Lord, Our Saviour and King,
Him true to His word We joyfully sing,
By steadfast reliance On Jesus's blood
We set at defiance The world and its god.
He walks to and fro, And seeks to devour
Poor sinners below, Who yield to his power;
But we cannot fear him The children of light,
Our music shall scare him, And put him to flight.
He flees at the sound Of Jesus's name,
Our triumphs abound Through Jesus the Lamb,
Our Jesus the bruiser For sinners who bled,
Casts down the accuser And crushes his head.


Sing we to our God above
Saved by His unwearied love,
Kept throughout the fiery hour
Let us show forth all His power.
Join with me the heavenly choirs,
Praise Him, praise Him in the fires,
There He walks with you and me,
See Him! in the furnace see!
Lo the' incarnate God appears!
Know Him by the form He wears,
Wears for us, and not in vain,
Son of God, and Son of man!
Tempted souls, your Lord descry
Still in your temptation nigh;
Sin is nigh, but Christ is nigher,
Bids us walk unburnt in fire.


Jesus doth with us remain;
Satan, heat thy forge again
Seven times hotter than before;
Jesus stays till all is o'er.
He doth by His presence arm,
Sin and Satan cannot harm;
Flames their burning power forget,
Quench'd by Jesu's bleeding feet.
Jesus holds us by the hand,
Cover'd by His power we stand,
Stand, and walk, and run, and fly,
Sin, the world, and hell defy.
All their banded powers we dare,
Faith the fiery test shall bear,
Shine, as gold when fully tried,
More than seven times purified.
Senseless now of all its heat,
We shall soon the furnace quit,
Unconsumed, unhurt appear,
Free from sin and Satan here.
Sin could not (we then shall show)
Hurt the souls that Jesus know,
Could not even our clothes impair,
Could not singe a single hair.
Far from all the smell of fire,
We shall then to heaven aspire,
Live on earth like those above,
Perfected in sinless love.



All glory and praise To Jesus our Lord,
So plenteous in grace So true to His word!
To us He hath given The gift from above,
The earnest of heaven The Spirit of love.
The truth of our God We boldly assert,
His love shed abroad And power in your heart
Ye all may inherit On Jesus who call;
The gift of His Spirit Is proffer'd to all.
His witness within By faith we receive,
And ransom'd from sin In righteousness live;
Through Jesus's passion We gladly possess
A present salvation, A kingdom of peace.
The peace and the power, Ye sinners embrace,
And look for the shower, The Spirit of grace,
The gift and the Giver We all shall receive,
For ever and ever Within us to live.


Join all who feel the' atoning blood
And know their sins forgiven,
To magnify the Saviour-God
Who turns our hell to heaven.
Worthy the Lamb that died for man
All honour to receive,
Whate'er we are, or have, or can
To Thee, O Christ, we give.
Triumphant with the saints above
We now our voices raise,
To' extol the height of pardoning love,
The depth of Jesu's grace.


His grace shall quickly lift us up
Our utmost heaven to share:
Rejoice, rejoice in glorious hope
We all shall meet Him there.

HOSEA II. 14, 15.

Lift up your hearts to things above,
Ye partners in distress;
Allured and brought by Jesu's love
Into the wilderness,
With us expect again to hear
His comfortable voice,
And feel His great salvation near,
And evermore rejoice.
From hence He shall our comforts raise,
From hence our vineyards give;
And by His all-restoring grace
Our drooping souls revive.
He from the depth of misery
Shall lift His mourners up,
And lo! He gives us now to see
An open door of hope.
Even now we sweetly call to mind
The former gospel-days,
The joy of our first love we find
The ecstasy of grace.
We sing the glories of the Lamb,
And feel His blood applied,
As when we out of Egypt came
But newly justified.



Long have I waited, Lord,
For Thy salvation here,
And hoped, according to Thy word,
To see it soon appear:
To see Thee passing by,
All-glorious from above,
The Lord of hosts, the Lord Most-High,
The God of pardoning love.
Thyself Jehovah's Son
Discover to my heart,
That when I have my Saviour known,
I may in peace depart:
May Thee, the world's Desire,
With arms of faith embrace,
And then, with yon enraptured choir,
For ever see Thy face.


Blessed are the pure in heart,
Prepared their God to see!
Jesus, to my soul impart
The spotless purity:
Let Thy grace my soul o'erflow,
And all my sinfulness remove;
Thus the' essential bliss bestow,
The purity of love.
Let Thy Spirit to me explain
The mystery unknown,
Cleansed from every sinful stain,
To love my God alone:


Give me, Lord, the grace to feel,
The length, and breadth, and depth, and height;
Then Thy glorious Self reveal,
And turn my faith to sight.



(A Fragment.)

Tired with the follies of mankind,
And all their miserable ways,
Shall I not cast them all behind,
And fly the vile degenerate race?
'Scape to the desert or the cell,
And bid the evil world farewell?
Foolish, alas! the hope, and vain,
While from myself I cannot flee:
I bear about the wretched man;
The evil world remains in me;
And who for human baseness groan
I only murmur at my own.
It nought avails me to exclaim
At evils which myself increase;
On others to transfer the blame,
Indulge my passion's wild excess;
Or sullenly my plague to hide,
The angry littleness of pride.
Suffice for this the season past,
If I have given my passions vent;
My censures on the guilty pass'd,
As I alone were innocent;
Exempted from the general stain,
And raised to something more than man.


O might I, as my Lord, survey
With calm concern the world below!
He did not start, nor fly away,
Abhor the helpless sons of woe,
Himself from His own flesh conceal;
But stay'd, and bore their utmost ill.
The city drunk with martyrs' blood
He saw with grief, but not with hate;
With tears the harden'd ruffians view'd,
And tenderly bewail'd their fate;
Commended to His Father's care,
And saved them by His dying prayer.


Out of the deep of late despair
For help, and holiness I cry,
Reject not, Lord, a leper's prayer,
But save, or in my sins I die.
These evil thoughts, these foul desires,
Nor man, nor angel, can remove,
For oh, my nature's plague requires
Thy whole omnipotence of love.
Thy hand, Thy gracious power exert,
And touch me, Saviour, with Thy blood;
My leprosy shall then depart,
And leave me pure, and just, and good.
Thy blood, which pleaded on the cross,
Still prevalent for sinners cries:
It speaks, and it hath gain'd my cause,
And bought my mansion in the skies.




[Jesus to Thee I would look up]

Jesus to Thee I would look up
Toss'd in a storm of passion,
Thou art the Anchor of my hope,
Thou art my strong Salvation;
Pity and save a soul distress'd
Till I the port recover,
O that I in Thy wounds might rest,
Till all the storm is over.
Great is the storm that works within,
Jesus's grace is greater;
Thou art above the power of sin,
Thou art my great Creator:
Speak, and at Thy supreme command
Trouble and sin shall leave me;
Stir up Thy strength, stretch out Thy hand,
Say “It is I,” and save me.
Give me this hour Thy help to find,
Show me Thy great salvation,
So will I sing to all mankind,
In loving admiration,
O what a Man, a God, is this!
Nature is still before Him;
Lo at His word the winds and seas
Suddenly calm'd adore Him.


[Jesus, in sore temptation's hour]

Jesus, in sore temptation's hour
May I not trust Thy truth and power?
Surely I would Thy word embrace,
And hang on Thy sufficient grace.


Thou canst Thy weakest servant keep,
That I shall neither fall nor slip;
Shall never let the tempter in,
Or yield to my besetting sin.
Least of Thy faithful people I
Do on Thy mighty arm rely,
Who promisest with us to stay,
And watch Thy vineyard night and day.
Stay then, my aid in time of need,
Nor into sore temptation lead;
But check the wanderings of my will,
And save me from the dreaded ill.
Thou know'st the treachery of my heart
Ready to take the tempter's part;
But kept, Thy saving health to see,
I side, against myself, with Thee:
Thou wilt in me Thy arm reveal,
And freely my backslidings heal;
And, fill'd with love's abiding power,
I then shall never grieve Thee more.


[Me, Lord, if Thou one moment leave]

Me, Lord, if Thou one moment leave,
That moment I from Thee depart,
Fall into my own sin, and give
The fiend possession of my heart.
Ah do not at a distance stand,
Or from my helpless soul remove:
Trouble and sin are hard at hand,
And none can save me but Thy love.


Exposed continually I am
To fiends, and men, and passion's power;
Or pluck the brand out of the flame,
Or turn aside the fiery hour.
I feel throughout my evil day
Temptation intimately near;
O could I without ceasing pray,
And always watch, and always fear!
O could I faithfully embrace
Thy promise, Lord, as made to me,
“I will refresh thy soul with grace,
Will every moment water thee!”
Jesus, for this to Thee I cry,
Upon my thirsty, gasping soul
Pour out Thy Spirit from on high,
And make the wilderness a pool.
Spirit of grace, spring up in me,
And fit me for a throne above,
Fountain of life and purity,
Fountain of holiness and love.
Emptied of selfishness and pride
If Thou my loving spirit fill,
I never more shall start aside,
But prove, and do Thy perfect will.
Love incompatible with sin
If Thou dost in Thyself bestow,
The heavenly principle within
In streams of purest life shall flow:
My days shall then be all employ'd
In praises for the blessings given,
And I shall serve my gracious God,
Obedient as the church in heaven.



Feeble in body, and in mind,
Saviour, I cast them both on Thee,
With humble confidence to find
Thy perfect strength display'd in me.
Entangled in the worldly snare,
With sore perplexity distress'd,
O'erwhelm'd with mountain-loads of care,
Beneath Thy mercy's wings I rest.
Thou seest I know not what to do,
But fix mine eyes on Thee alone,
Till Thou Thy secret counsel show,
And bring the blind by ways unknown.
If Thou direct my paths aright,
If Thou before Thy servant go,
The darkness shall be turn'd to light,
The mountains at Thy presence flow:
The crooked things shall at Thy word
Be straight, the rugged places plain,
The creatures all obey their Lord,
And be whate'er Thy will ordain:
My soul, escaped the fowler's net,
Above all earthly things shall soar,
Or fall at my Deliverer's feet,
And love, and wonder, and adore.



The solemn hour is come
For God made visible,
Fruit of a virgin's womb,
A man with men to dwell;
The Saviour of the world to' appear,
And found His heavenly kingdom here.
The sinner's Sacrifice,
The Head of angels see,
From Jesse's stem arise;
And grasp the Deity!
His sacred flesh the only shrine
That holds Immensity Divine.
Let all mankind abase
Their souls before the Lord,
And humbly prostrate, praise
The great incarnate Word,
And welcome Jesus from above,
With joy, and gratitude, and love.


As on my dying bed
I for salvation stay,


As bowing now my head
For grace and mercy pray;
Earnest of happiness above,
Come, Lord, and bless me with Thy love.
Thy love must be the seal
Of all my sins forgiven;
Thy hallowing love reveal,
And make me meet for heaven.
Unite to Thee my loving heart,
And neither life nor death shall part.
My last decisive hour
Is present now with Thee:
Defend me from his power,
Disarm mine enemy;
And trampling on my stingless foe,
With Thee into Thy joy I go.
My ransom'd spirit I
Into Thy hands commend,
With my Redeemer die,
And on Thy cross ascend,
And folded in Thy dear embrace,
Behold my Saviour face to face.


The word of God by all confess'd,
Of truth the' indubitable test,
My perfect rule I own;
The word which doth His mind reveal
To those who would perform His will,
And worship Him alone.


'Tis here I seek and hope to find
The Lord, who hath my heart inclined
Himself to serve and please:
I ask His Spirit's promised light
To guide my wandering feet aright
Into the way of peace.
The word doth Christ, the Word, declare;
The Spirit, His own Interpreter,
Doth testify of Thee,
Son of the living God Most High,
Born for a sinful world to die,
Thy death hath ransom'd me.
Thy Spirit doth the power infuse,
Through which I now my Chooser choose;
He breaks my heart of stone;
From Him my holiness proceeds,
My faith, and hope, and love that leads
Directly to Thy throne.
Through Him the Crucified I know,
And let all other knowledge go,
As trivial, void, and vain:
And, bless'd with evidence Divine,
And certified that Thou art mine,
Eternal life I gain.
Thy Spirit doth the truth reveal,
The Pledge, the Witness, and the Seal
To all believers given;
Thy word of all-sufficient grace
Prepares me for that happy place,
And builds me up to heaven.




[This solemn exhibition]

This solemn exhibition,
Of Jesus on the tree,
With tears of true contrition,
With broken hearts we see;
We see Him bleed and languish
Beneath the wrath Divine:
O God, was ever anguish,
Was ever love, like Thine!
Who would not be partaker
Of that most sacred pain,
And suffer with his Maker
The griefs that still remain?
Now on His cross relying
We feel His sorrows past,
And bear about His dying
Till nature breathes her last.


[To Him we have nail'd to the tree]

To Him we have nail'd to the tree
We look, and in bitterness mourn!
The wounds were inflicted by me,
By me was He mangled and torn;
I platted the thorns on His head,
I piercèd His hands and His side;
But the blood an atonement hath made,
And the Lamb for His murderers died.
To the Father of mercies we show
The death of His innocent Son,
And what we exhibit below
With His prayers He presents at the throne.


The Father our Advocate hears,
The Saviour His virtue exerts,
Our sorrow the Comforter cheers
With a pardon inscribed on our hearts.


Help, Lord, the weakest instrument
Thy sovereign grace hath ever sent
To publish and proclaim
The reigning power and peace of God,
General redemption in Thy blood,
And pardon through Thy name.
Whilst preaching gospel to the poor,
My soul impoverish, and secure
By deep humility;
Safe in Thy wounds a novice hide,
Then shall I preach Thee crucified,
And nothing know but Thee.
To' exalt myself I would not speak,
Or proud of my own talents, seek
The praise of flattering man;
But serve Thee with a single eye,
And, while Thy name I magnify,
Thy approbation gain.
With pride that I may never swell,
Or my supposed importance feel,
Vouchsafe me, Lord, the grace
To loathe myself in my own eyes,
Myself deny, renounce, despise,
And take the lowest place.


Here may I covet no reward,
Or trifles temporal regard,
Or reckon earth my home;
But things invisible desire,
And wait for my appointed hire
Till the great Shepherd come.
A life of poverty and toil,
A thousand lives, one gracious smile
Of Thine will overpay,
If Thou receive me with “Well done!”
And for Thy faithful servant own,
In that triumphant day.


O thou, whose soul-transforming grace,
By foolish things, and weak, and base,
Even now Thy work revives;
Open our mouths, to preach Thy word,
And help us, O almighty Lord,
To preach it by our lives.
The solemn thoughtfulness impart
Composing every serious heart
Into a solid frame:
O'erwhelm us with an awful sense
How great the gospel to dispense,
And speak in Jesu's name.
Give us to walk as in Thy sight,
To order all our converse right,
By Jesu's presence awed:
No idle word, or laughter vain,
Or gesture light, debase the man,
The messenger of God.


The mirth of fools, the jest unfit,
The trifling levity of wit,
Far off from us remove;
Throughout our even lives appear
The power of godliness sincere,
The dignity of love.
In all our intercourse below
O may our whole deportment show
The tempers of our Lord:
Lowly our hearts, like His, and meek,
Our words, our looks, our silence speak
The virtue of the word.
The word which we declare and feel,
In us O let it richly dwell,
Yet outwardly express'd
In purest flames of fervent love,
While all our hallow'd actions prove
The fire within our breast.
Here may it ever, ever burn,
Our souls into Thy likeness turn,
Till, perfectly restored,
With joy our glorious course we end,
And in the Prophet's car ascend
To meet our smiling Lord.


Lord, whom winds and seas obey,
Guide us through the watery way;
In the hollow of Thy hand
Hide, and bring us safe to land.


Jesus, let our faithful mind
Rest, on Thee alone reclined;
Every anxious thought repress,
Keep our souls in perfect peace.
Keep the souls whom now we leave,
Bid them to each other cleave;
Bid them walk on life's rough sea;
Bid them come by faith to Thee.
Save, till all these tempests end,
All who on Thy love depend;
Waft our happy spirits o'er;
Land us on the heavenly shore.


Lord of earth, and air, and sea,
Supreme in power and grace,
Under Thy protection, we
Our souls and bodies place.
Bold an unknown land to try,
We launch into the foaming deep;
Rocks, and storms, and deaths defy,
With Jesus in the ship.
Who the calm can understand,
In a believer's breast?
In the hollow of His hand
Our souls securely rest:
Winds may rise, and seas may roar,
We on His love our spirits stay;
Him with quiet joy adore,
Whom winds and seas obey.



God of Elijah hear,
The same in every age;
If every faithful worshipper
May still Thy help engage;
If what we humbly claim
Is to believers given,
And fervent prayers in Jesu's name
Can shut, and open heaven.
But our unworthiness
Our prayers and hopes withstands;
And sin, the cause of our distress,
Ties up Thy bounteous hands;
The men to evil sold,
Who fall from bad to worse,
Good things they from us all withhold,
And bring the barren curse.
The heaven above our head
As brass intensely burns,
The thirsty earth on which we tread
Sin into iron turns:
Yet show Thy gracious power,
With soft refreshing rain
With many a kind reviving shower
O bless our earth again.
Till Thou the answer give,
Preventing our request,
To Thee, O Lord, the time we leave,
And in Thy pleasure rest:


But while we join the cry
Of saints around the throne,
The opening windows of the sky
Shall send the blessing down.


Righteous God, whose awful frown
The rainy torrent pours,
Sends the' impetuous judgment down
In never-ceasing showers,
Listening to Thy people's cry
Who cannot seek Thy face in vain,
Stay the bottles of the sky,
And smile on earth again.
Winds and storms their charge fulfil,
By Thy direction blow,
Execute Thy vengeful will,
And plague the world below:
Winds and storms before Thee fly,
If so Thy sovereign word ordain;
Stay the bottles of the sky,
And smile on earth again.
Though our mighty sins demand
The' impending curse of God,
Spare, oh spare a guilty land,
Nor send a second flood:
On Thy promise we rely,
Thy sign doth in the cloud remain;
Stay the bottles of the sky,
And smile on earth again.


Praying faith on us bestow,
And then incline Thine ear;
Faith's effectual prayer we know
Thou wilt through Jesus hear;
If in us His Spirit cry
Thou wilt the liquid plague restrain,
Stay the bottles of the sky,
And smile on earth again.
Hear us in our time of need
For Jesu's sake above;
Worthless in ourselves, we plead
The merits of Thy Son;
Hear our Advocate on high,
Who must His people's suit obtain;
Stay the bottles of the sky,
And smile on earth again.
With Elijah's faith endow'd,
Presenting our request,
Wrestling in the prayer of God
We will not let Thee rest,
Till Thy providence reply,
And hearkening to the voice of man
Shut the windows of the sky,
And smile on earth again.


Jesus be mercifully nigh
In danger's trying hour,
And let our feebleness rely
On Thy almighty power.


Before us in the desert go,
And guard on every side,
And give our faithful souls to know
Their everlasting Guide.
Our tutelary Rock, extend
Thy cool refreshing shade,
From every threatening ill defend,
And screen Thy people's head.
Give us in our dejected state
Thy present help to find,
Nor let the weary body's weight
Press down the' immortal mind.
Thee may we every moment see
Pursuing and pursued,
And drink the streams that flow from Thee,
And feel our strength renew'd.


Jesu Thy goodness I proclaim,
Thy guardian care confess,
While safe returning in Thy name
I see my house in peace.
'Scaped from a world of anxious grief,
I here my weakness hide,
And seek again my sure relief
Within Thy wounded side.
Thy wounded side, to which alone
From earthly ills I fly,
Can yield the balm for which I groan,
And all my wants supply.


For this, Thou faithful Lord, I come
With calm desire to know
The sure inevitable doom
Of all Thy flock below.
Lo! in the world I have distress,
Thy mournful legacy;
But let me find, and still possess
The promised peace in Thee.


Jesus, in whose name I trust,
Nearest those who need Thee most,
See, Thy helpless creature see,
Touch'd with my infirmity.
While I sensibly decline,
Unassured that Thou art mine,
Pain'd in life, of death afraid,
Let me feel Thy present aid;
Calmly with submission mourn,
For the Comforter's return;
For the reconciling kiss,
Seal of my eternal bliss.
When His coming from above
Re-assures me of Thy love,
Stamps Thy image on my heart,
Ready am I to depart.
Or if so my Lord ordain,
Still I in the flesh remain,


Neither life nor death request,
Sure whate'er Thou wilt is best.
Till Thy welcome will is done,
Hang I on my Lord alone;
Happy Thine in life to be,
Happier still to die in Thee!


God of boundless pity, spare
Those that now Thine anger bear;
Far from them the scourge remove,
Whom we in Thy bowels love.
Why should they be stricken more?
Give Thy controversy o'er;
Do not let their foes come nigher,
Cease to plead with sword and fire.
Listening to Thy people's cries,
Rescue them from Rome's allies;
Stop the ministers of death,
Save the children from their teeth.
Comforter of all that mourn,
Heal whom human fiends have torn,
Sanctify their loss and pain,
Take them to Thine arms again.
Jesus, is there not in Thee
Balm for every misery?
Let Thy love their anguish ease,
Bless them with Thy perfect peace.


Now the gospel grace impart,
Enter every broken heart,
Seal the mourners' sins forgiven,
Lift them on Thy cross to heaven.


God of universal nature,
Author of my life, and end,
My most merciful Creator,
Still Thy weakest child defend.
Guard through life's important hour,
Till my Eden I regain,
Quit the desert for the bower,
Die from earth in heaven to reign.
If I ever felt Thy drawing,
Give me, Lord, to feel it still,
Now to feel Thy love o'erawing
All the motions of my will;
Now, when most I need assistance,
Will my God His ear avert?
Canst Thou keep an angry distance,
Leave me to my wretched heart?
If Thou gavest the piercing fear
Which I every moment find,
Lest my heart should linger here,
Leave a single wish behind;
Guide me by Thy love's direction
From all earthly passions free,
Seize, O God, my whole affection
Swallow up my soul in Thee.


Place me in that happiest station
Where I most may taste Thy grace,
Most advance my own salvation,
Most display my Maker's praise;
Choose on earth my whole condition,
Only give my spirit rest,
Fill at last my vast ambition,
Take me, Father, to Thy breast.


A captive wretch removing to and fro,
A man of strife and exercised in woe,
On thee, my friend, I call by griefs oppress'd,
And pour my soul into thy faithful breast;
Its heaviest load with lingering pain impart,
And wound reluctantly thy tender heart.
Thy tender heart hath oft my burden borne,
Nor e'er rejoiced when I was call'd to mourn;
Thy tender heart with softest sympathy
How will it now lament and grieve for me!
For me, by foes, and treacherous friends pursued,
Pierced with the darts of keen ingratitude,
Mangled by filial hands, and forced to groan,
Beneath the crimes of an apostate son,
A rebel thirsting for his father's blood,
As Moloch cruel, and as Belial lewd,
Stubborn, revengeful, fierce, implacable,
And proud and harden'd as the prince of hell.


Poor reckless prodigal, by grace Divine
Drawn from his husks, his harlots, and his wine,
My arms received him with a fond embrace,
I kiss'd the filth and sorrow from his face,
For him I join'd the' acclaiming hosts above,
And loved him with my heavenly Father's love;
Cared for his soul with never-wearied care,
Son of my choice, and burden of my prayer;
Rejoiced and gloried when he did run well,
Labour'd his faults and follies to conceal,
In toils and tears my kind concern express'd
And cherish'd the young viper in my breast,
Till, by my friendship warm'd he shot his dart,
His sting of subornation to my heart.
See the bold wretch, again for Satan bold,
By pride to every desperate evil sold,
Head of a ruffian band in malice join'd,
Scum of the church and scandal of mankind;
Choice synagogue, by dire revenge allied,
Worthy of such a cause and such a guide,
Whose calmer thought may moderate their zeal,
Give each their part and stroke them to his will;
Whose wisdom may in league offensive join
The tutor'd harlot and the sound divine,
Their horrid tale more plausibly to' indite
And teach the' infernal frogs to croak aright.
Fit instruments for Satan's rage to employ
To stop the work he never can destroy;
His dreaded foes to blacken and defame,
And charge his Conqueror with His church's shame.


As Satan would by his—himself expel,
Spoil his own realms, and shake the gates of hell,
While thousands whom from him to God we turn,
Bless the glad day that e'er these hypocrites were born.
Yet, O my friend, I feel the recent wound;
No medicine for a broken heart is found:
Shall I from thee my deepest anguish hide?
The reed hangs fasten'd in my bleeding side.
No mean abhorrence of the destined cross,
No fear that God should not maintain His cause,
But sore distress afflicts even those I love,
Even those whom Satan never yet could move,
Whom all the' opposing world could never part,
Or tear them from the fibres of my heart.
But now they stand far off, nor dare draw nigh,
Awed by a bold authenticated lie,
Shrink from the foul reproach, the' injurious shame,
And leave me branded with a felon's name.
Leave me. For O the wise decree is pass'd,
Leave me into the den of lions cast!
Give up their friend to all the accuser's power,
And honour's signet seals the dungeon door.
Honour, the Mede's unalterable law,
Hath bound my friends and kept their love in awe;
Struck off their promised aid, and far removed
From one whom once in Jesu's love they loved.
Who dares in such a wretch's cause appear?
Ah tender souls, I feel the modest fear,
The test for human virtue too severe!
What strength sufficient to support my wrong,


Or stand the torrent of so foul a tongue;
Sustain so huge a crash, and stem the tide
With fear and follies of my own fireside;
While high and low in one design conspire,
The shameless parasite and reverend sire,
While men and fiends the righteous sentence give,
It is not fit for such a wretch to live.
Drag out the Naboth! set him up on high,
By hostile hands let the blasphemer die.
Adulterer! hypocrite! the fact is plain,
Would harlots take the name of God in vain!
Did e'er revenge so foul a venom shed,
Or load with crimes so black the guiltless head?
Who ever heard that renegades would lie,
Or liars urged rise up to perjury?
Away with him, nor suffer his reply!
Down the swift stream the popular rancour borne,
Away with him! The witnesses have sworn
O'errule his idle euthanasian plea
'Gainst treason, murder, and adultery:
Stand forth ye witnesses, your charge repeat,
Stone the vile hypocrite, his doom complete,
And lay your garments down at his assailants' feet.
Rejoice ye Philistines, the way is found
To' afflict my soul with a perpetual wound;
Securely arm'd in every other part,
This only avenue could reach my heart;
This only dire device had power to rend
The constant spirit from its injured friend.
Not all the rage of men and fiends could move,
Nor chains, nor dungeons, rob me of her love;


Nor racks, nor fires could force her to disown
A man of God and preacher of His Son.
But oh can purest light with darkness dwell?
A man of God uphold a child of hell?
No, ruffians, no, if your report were true,
Devils alone are fit for such as you.
Nor will your lord, who set your tongues on fire,
Defraud his faithful labourers of their hire.
Open to meet you with its muster'd bands
Not Potiphar's, but Satan's prison stands.
Who love or make a lie shall there appear,
And ye who scorn or God or man to fear
Shall gnaw the tongue ye used so foully here.
Till then, if sworn to perish in your crime,
Fill up your measure, and sin out your time;
Poor dying worms enjoy your short-lived boast,
And vex a soldier of the Lord of Hosts.
Vex him: ye cannot hurt. With lies molest,
Defame, swear on, and drive me to my rest.
Fulfil my wish, and seem your own to have,
Haste, and bring down my hairs with sorrow to the grave.
Thou faithful partner of my bleeding heart,
Whom hell could never from thy pastor part,
Wilt thou not join my long-continued prayer,
And ask a period to my hapless care?
O what is life to one undone like me?
Bitterness all, and grief, and agony!
From what will angels beckon me away!
For what should I on earth imprison'd stay?
Perchance to see the swift destruction come,
Our nation's downfall and our country's doom,


The wasting fire, the desolating sword,
And all the plagues of heaven's avenging Lord.
To see the general wreck I cannot share,
Safe in the gulf of temporal despair;
Kingdoms may rise or fall, my change is o'er,
Sceptres depart, but I can lose no more.
O what a life is mine, where no relief
Can ever ease me of a moment's grief!
Commensurate with life my sorrow flows,
Wave after wave, and woes succeeding woes;
My brethren's sympathy, and Church's fears,
And fond concern, and unavailing tears;
The triumph of the proud Philistines' host,
As all were with one useless shepherd lost,
As God's whole work would in my ruin end,
And Christ had left His flock with my departed friend.
Nay, but the mighty loss is all my own,
I fall by ruffian hands, and fall alone;
Their rage is emptied on my single head,
Their charge against my only soul is laid.
A charge so horrible my soul defies,
Though strengthen'd by ten thousand perjuries.
And can my friend the hellish tale receive?
She seems alas! to' assent—and yet I live!
O God for what am I reserved? Or why
Held on the rack of life? Forbad to die,
Compell'd beneath Thy heaviest plague to stand,
And feel the bruisings of Thy vengeful hand?
Why hath Thy wrath let loose these dogs of hell?
Thy ways and judgments are unsearchable!


Yet suffer me to ask why didst Thou give
The fatal gift, and let the' abortive live,
Rear'd by a miracle (of wrath or grace)?
Why hast Thou kept me all my youthful days?
In deaths so oft, ah! wherefore wouldst Thou save
From the kind fever, and the watery grave?
In sorer ills exert Thy guardian care,
Save me from sin, and break the fowler's snare,
Preserve from every great transgression free,
And show forth all Thy saving power in me.
Surely Thou didst as from my birth instil
A secret horror of external ill;
I durst not tread the path by sinners trod,
Do this great crime and sin against my God.
Thou know'st, for all our hearts to Thee are seen,
Thou knows't I am not here like other men,
Though born in sin, the seeds of every vice,
Anger, desire, and pride, and avarice,
My soul hath oft with deep abhorrence found,
Yet still Thy grace did above sin abound;
Thy grace restrain'd my every mean desire,
And kept the bush unburnt amidst the fire;
Thy grace hedged up my way on every side,
And held me from the paths of vice and pride.
Thou know'st, for Thou hast wrought the work alone,
For Thou my soul hast in temptation known,
Nor can I from Thy sight a thought conceal,
Searcher of hearts, I dare to Thee appeal,
Thou knowest I am not wicked!—
Have I not then misspent my useless fears,
And lost an ocean of unwonted tears,


Have I not toil'd with unavailing pain,
And wash'd my hands in innocence in vain,
While devils in the dust mine honour tread,
And human fiends ride o'er my guiltless head,
Fill all my entrails and my soul with gall,
While innocent beneath their rage I fall,
And perish by the hand of this infernal Saul?
Father of mercies and compassions, hear
The broken accents of my dying prayer!
God of unbounded love my sorrow see,
My shame, and let Thy bowels answer me!
Dost Thou take pleasure in Thy creature's pain,
Or willingly afflict the sons of men?
Oh, no, Thy nature is to save and bless,
Thy pleasure is our life and happiness:
Though what Thy wisdom doth I know not now,
To Thy permissive will my soul I bow,
Thy secret mercy in the judgment own,
And sink into the depths of love unknown.
Couldst Thou have won me with my sin to part,
And cast the idol honour from my heart,
Thy tender hands would never have applied
This burning caustic to consume my pride.
Whom then have I to' accuse? A sinful man,
Why should I of my punishment complain
If chasten'd less than my deserts I am,
Worthy of death and everlasting shame.
Shall I not wisely kiss the' afflicting rod,
And stoop beneath the mighty hand of God?
With patience to my penal cure submit,
The bitter herbs with meek submission eat,


And sing the paschal psalm, my God adore,
And never faint and never murmur more.
Down stubborn heart with that rebellious sigh,
Thou art not suffer'd yet to break and die!
Alas how fruitless all my strife and pain,
My best resolves how impotent and vain!
I would submit, but Lord, I want the power,
And all I am cries, Save me from this hour!
Father, if possible, this cup remove,
The cup of life embitter'd from above.
Send down Thy hand, and take my spirit up;
Out of the mighty waters let me hope,
Wondrous impossibility, to see
A blessing in my end reserved for me.
Till then my agonising strength repair,
And let the loss torment, the vultures tear
My growing heart, but Thou my soul sustain,
Or quite release, or ease me of my pain.
But give my eyes of folly faith to see
Thy hand as reaching out the cup to me,
From Thee may I receive the draught, from Thee alone,
The cursing Shimei, and the rebel son.
No respite of my punishment I crave,
No joy, no place of refuge but the grave.
Here only let me spend my life in sighs,
But wipe at last the sorrow from my eyes,
And save my soul from death, the death that never dies.



How long Thou awful God, how long
Shall I this conflict have?
Why am I thus, if Thou art strong,
If Thou art good to save?
No end of this intestine war,
No hope of peace, I see,
Unless Thy love itself declare
And fix itself in me.
The unbelief that holds me still,
I never can remove,
Or change the bias of my will,
Or force my heart to love.
Throughout my fallen soul I find
It cannot, cannot be
That I should change the carnal mind,
Or subject it to Thee.
As soon a hellish fiend accurst
Might from his den arise,
His chains of massy darkness burst,
And re-ascend the skies.


The preacher of the Gospel word,
The sure forerunner of his Lord,
Sent to prepare the way for Thee,
A voice, and nothing else should be;
Sequester'd from the ways of men,
Be always heard and never seen.


The world he must not seek to please,
A man out of the wilderness;
Friendless, from earth detach'd, unknown,
Saviour, he speaks for Thee alone;
Incessant in Thy name he cries,
Thy herald, till for Thee he dies.


Let God omnipotent arise
His cause and people to maintain,
Who lift to Him their hearts and eyes,
(Convinced that human help is vain,)
His faithfulness and mercy own,
And hang on His great arm alone.
His arm stretch'd out we oft have seen,
When fiends and men against us rose,
It quell'd the fiercest wrath of men,
It baffled our infernal foes:
And still Thou dost Thy church defend,
Our present Saviour to the end.
No enemies to Sion's peace
Shall tear her children from the pale,
The banded powers of wickedness
The gates of hell cannot prevail,
Built on the Rock she stands secure,
And shall from age to age endure.
If two or three in Jesu's name
For England's church the promise plead,
For Her Thy constant presence claim
Our gracious, true, almighty Head,


Wilt Thou not make Thy promise good
To the dear purchase of Thy blood?
Bought by a thousand pangs divine
Thou dost Thy favourite church approve:
The martyrs mix'd their blood with Thine,
And paid Thee back Thy dying love;
And in a flaming chariot driven
They bid us follow them to heaven.
Them, Lord, we in Thy strength pursue,
Assured that Thou art on our side;
That Thou wilt bring Thy people through,
Our never-failing God and Guide;
And to our friends triumphant join,
And seal our souls for ever Thine.


Head of Thy Church conflicting here
With all the powers of earth and hell,
Still on our Israel's side appear,
And with Thy faithful people dwell;
The gather'd sheep of England's fold
From hungry grievous wolves defend,
The little flock redeem'd of old,
Redeem, and love them to the end.
All we, like sheep, have gone astray,
By sin, the world, and Satan led,
Turn'd every one to his own way,
And downward rush'd with desperate speed;


But now we have return'd to Thee,
Our Bishop great, our Shepherd good,
One in our Shepherd's unity,
Wash'd and protected by Thy blood.
One with our Saviour, we defy
The tempter's utmost strength and art
To touch the apple of Thine eye,
The members and the Head to part:
Thou never wilt Thy people leave
Who for Thy last appearing stay,
To Thee and to each other cleave,
And long to meet Thee in that day.
Part of Thy Church o'er earth dispread
Now in this favour'd Island found,
We trust Thee to preserve and lead,
Till Thou return'st with glory crown'd;
Jesus, who hast prepared our place,
Come quickly back, and fetch Thy Bride.
To gaze transported on Thy face
To reign triumphant at Thy side.