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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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How it Propagates the Gospell.

This Paper (being printed) doth reueale
Th'Eternall Testament of all our Weale:
In Paper is recorded the Records
Of the Great all Creating Lord of Lords.
Vpon this weake ground strongly is ingrau'd
The meanes how man was made, and lost and sau'd,
Bookes Patriarchall, and Propheticall,
Historicall, or Heauenly Mysticall,
Euangelicall, and Apostolicall,
Writ in the sacred Text, in generall.
Much hath the Church (our Mother propagated)
By venerable Fathers workes translated
Saint Jerome, Gregorie, Ambrose, Augustine,
Saint Basil, Bernard, Cyprian, Constantine:
Eusebius, Epiphanius, Origen,
Jgnatius, and La ctantius (reuerend men)
Good Luther, Caluine, learned Zwinglius,
Melancton, Beza, Oecolampadius,
These, and a world more then I can recite
Their labours would haue slept in endlesse night,
But that in Paper they preseru'd haue bin
T'instruct vs how to shun death, hell, and sin.


How should we know the change of Monarchies,
Th'Assyrian and the Persian Emperies,
Great Alexanders large, small lasting glory
Or Romes high Cæsars often changing story?
How should Chronologies of Kings be knowne
Of eyther other Countries, or our owne?
But that Iosephus and Suetonius
Pollidore, Virgil, and Ortelius,
Seneca, and Cornelius Tacitus
With Scaliger, and Quintus Curtius;
Plutarch, Guichiardine, Gallobeligus
Thomasio, and Hector Boetius;
For, Cooper, Froysard, Grafton Fabian,
Hall, Houe'den Lanquet, Sleiden, Buchanan,
The Reuerend learned Cambden Selden Stowe,
With Polychronicon, and Speed, and Howe,
With Parris, Malmsbury, and many more
Whose Workes in Paper are yet extant store.
Philemon Holland (famous for translation)
Hath (with our owne tongue) well inricht our Nation.
Esope, and Aristotle, Plinie, Plato.
Pythagoras, and Cicero, and Cato,
Du Bartas, Ariosto, Martial, Tasso,
Plautus and Homer, Terence, Virgil, Naso,
Franciscus Petrark, Horace, Juuenal,
Philosophers and exe'lent Poets all.
Or Orators Hystorians, euery one
In Paper made their worthy studies knowne.
Who euer went beyond our famous King
Whose Art throughout the spacious world doth ring;
Such a Diuine, and Poet, that each State
Admires him whom they cannot imitate.
In Paper, many a Poet now suruiues
Or else their lines had perish'd with their liues.
Old Chancer, Gower, and Sir Thomas More,
Sir Philip Sidney who the Lawrell wore,
Spencer, and Shakespeare did in Art excell,
Sir Eward Dyer, Greene, Nash, Daniel,
Siluester, Beaumont, Sir Iohn Harington,
Forgetfulnesse their workes would ouer run,
But that in Paper they immortally
Doe liue in spight of Death, and cannot dye.
And many there are liuing at this day
Which doe in paper their true worth display:
As Dauis, Drayton, and the learned Dun,
Johnson, and Chapman, Marston, Middleton,
With Rowley, Fletcher, Withers, Massinger,
Heywood, and all the rest where e're they are,
Must say their lines but for the paper sheete
Had scarcely ground, whereon to set their feete.
Acts, Statutes, Lawes would be consum'd and lost
All right and order topsy-turuy tost:
Oppression, wrong, destruction and confusion
Wer't not for Paper, were the worlds conclusion.
Negotiations, and Embassages
Maps, Cartes, discoueries of strangs passages:
Leagues, truces, combinations, and contracts,
Ecclesiasticke monuments and acts,
Lawes, Nat'rall, Morall, Ciuill, and Diuine,
T'instruct, reproue, correct, inlarge, confine.
All Memorandums of forepassed ages,
Sayings and sentences of ancient Sages,
Astronomy, and Phisicke much renownd,
The lib'rall Arts, rules, maxiomes, or ground,
The glory of Apolloes Radient shine,
Supporter of the Sacred Sisters Nine,
The Atlas, that all Histories doth beare
Throughout the world, here, there, and euery where.

The sacred memory of Patriarchs, Prophets, Euangelists, Apostles, and Fathers.

Of Monarchies and wonders.

Phylosophers, Hystorians, Chronographers, Poets ancient and moderne, the best sort mentioned.