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All the workes of Iohn Taylor the Water-Poet

Being Sixty and three in Number. Collected into one Volume by the Author [i.e. John Taylor]: With sundry new Additions, corrected, reuised, and newly Imprinted

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The Originall of Paper.

Some Authors doe the name of Paper gather,
To be deriu'd from Papæ, or a Father,
Because a learned man of Arrius sect
Did Christendome with herefie infect:
And being in great errors much mistooke,
Writ and divulged in a Paper booke.
And therefore Nimphshag thus much doth inferre,
The name of Paper sprung from Papæ err.
Some hold the name doth from a Rush proceed,
Which on Egiptian Nilus bankes doth breed:
Which Rush is call'd Papirus for on it
Th'Egiptian people oftentimes had writ.
And some againe of lesse authoritie
Because it's made of rags and pouerty,
In stead of Paper name it Panperis,
But sure me thinkes they take their markes amisse,
For foure and twenty sheets doe make a Quire,
And twenty Quire doth to a Reame aspire,
And euery Reame were Kingdomes for their strength
But that they want a single (l) in length.
A Reame of Paper therefore keepes great port,
And were a Realme, wer't not an (l) too short.
Besides, we haue an old Prognosticater,
An erring Father, quasi erra Pater.
His euerlasting Almanack tels plaine,
How many miles from hence to Charles his waine.
From Luna vnto Mercury how farre
To Uenus, Sol, and Mars that warlike starre:
From Mars to merry thunder-thumping Ioue:
And thence to sullen Saturne highest aboue:
This if I lye not, with aduice and leasure,
Old Erra Pater to an inch did measure.
But hollow Muse what mounted to the sky,
I'le clip your soaring plumes for you and I
Must talke of Paper, Hemp, and such as this,
And what a rich commodity it is.
The best is I haue elbow roome to trace,
I am not tide to times, to bounds, or place,
But Europe, Asia, Sun-burnt Affrica,
America, Terra incognita,
The Christians, Heathens, Pagans, Turkes & Iewes,
And all the world yeelds matter to my Muse:
No Empire, Kingdome, Region, Prouince, Nation,
No Principality, Shire, nor Corporation:
No Country, County, City, Hamlet, Towne,
But must vse Paper, eyther white or browne.
No Metropolitane, or gracious Primate
No Village, Pallace, Cottage, function, Climate.
No age, sex, or degree the earth doth beare,
But they must vse this seed to write or weare.

It was time to remember my selfe, for I was a degree too high.