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The Works of Peter Pindar [i.e. John Wolcot]

... With a Copious Index. To which is prefixed Some Account of his Life. In Four Volumes

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A Crow upon a lofty tree
Did build her sticky nest;
And younglings did she bring to light,
In number five at least.
One morning, on a summer's day,
Did peep eche youngling crow,
And spied upon a brambling bush
Some youngling wrens below.
These simple wrens in happy glee
Did spread their little wing;
And, lightsome, hopp'd from bush to bush,
And merrily did sing.


‘Poor humble creatures,’ cry'd the crows,
‘Eche is a beggar wight;
Look up to us, and see our state,
Our houses lofty hight.
We look into the beamy skies,
While you through hedges wade;
We gaze upon the morning sun,
While ye are lost in shade.
‘Poor imps, departe, nor here offend;
Take off eche selie face;
This hill was only made for crows,
Then do not us disgrace.
‘If you do not this region quit,
We'll dung upon you soon.’
The smiling wrens made answer none,
But trill'd their little tune.
Short time had pass'd, when suddenly
Grim Boreas 'gan howl;
The thunder crack'd, the lightning flash'd,
And frighted man and fowl.
While thus the dredefull thunder crack'd,
And lightning broad did flash;
The limb whereon the crows were perch'd
Did give a sudden crash.
Down came the limb, and with it down
Did tumble eche young crow;
Some broke their legs, and some their wings,
And doleful look'd below.
'Twas now the time for wrens to jeer;
So forth did fly the train,
And, twittering, saw with smiles the crows
All sprawling on the plain.
Then taunting an arch wren began:
‘Sir Crows, of high renowne,
Ye came, by this your dirty trim,
All in a hurry down.


‘And by the looke of all your limbs,
And feathers sous'd with rain,
It will be some small time before
Your graces mount again.
‘Proud fooles, how selie ye descend
From skies to dirty fens!
Thank Heaven, with hedges we're content,
And happy to be wrens.’