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[See, ye heirs of sure salvation]

The Revelation of Jesus Christ. —i. 1.

See, ye heirs of sure salvation,
Jesu's most majestic grace,
At His final revelation,
While He pompously displays
All His glories,
All the Godhead in His face!
From the mystic volume hearing
How His kingdom is restored,
Look ye for His last appearing;
True to His prophetic word,
Lo, He cometh!
Go ye forth to meet your Lord.
To His royal proclamation
Manifested here, attend,
In His state of exaltation
While He doth with clouds descend,
Brings the kingdom,
Gives the joy that ne'er shall end.
Power is all to Jesus given:
All His foes must fall before
The great King of earth and heaven,
When He takes His royal power!
Now assume it,
Jesus, reign for evermore!



[Come, Divine Interpreter]

Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear, &c. —i. 3.

Come, Divine Interpreter,
Bring me eyes Thy book to read,
Ears the mystic words to hear,
Words which did from Thee proceed,
Words that endless bliss impart
Kept in an obedient heart.
All who read, or hear, are bless'd,
If Thy plain commands we do,
Of Thy kingdom here possess'd,
Thee we shall in glory view,
(When Thou comest on earth to' abide)
Reign triumphant at Thy side.


[Grace, the fountain of all good]

Grace be unto you, and peace, from Him, &c. —i. 4, 5.

Grace, the fountain of all good,
Ye happy saints, receive,
With the streams of peace o'erflow'd,
With all that God can give;
He who is, and was, in peace
And grace, and plenitude of power,
Comes your favour'd souls to bless,
And never leave you more!
Let the Spirit before His throne
Mysterious one and seven,
In His various gifts sent down,
Be to the churches given;
Let the pure seraphic joy
From Jesus Christ the Just descend,
Holiness without alloy,
And bliss which ne'er shall end.


[True and faithful Witness, Thee]

The faithful Witness, and the First-Begotten, &c. —i. 5.

True and faithful Witness, Thee,
O Jesus, we receive;


Fulness of the Deity,
In all Thy people live;
First-begotten from the dead,
Call forth Thy living witnesses,
King of kings, Thine empire spread
O'er all the ransom'd race.


[Who can worthily commend]

Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from, &c. —i. 5, 6.

Who can worthily commend
Thy love unsearchable?
Love which made Thee condescend
Our curse and death to feel!
Thou the one eternal God,
Who didst Thyself our ransom pay,
Hast with Thy own precious blood
Wash'd all our sins away.
By the Spirit of our Head
Anointed priests and kings,
Conquerors of the world we tread
On all terrestrial things,
Sit in heavenly places down,
(While yet we in the flesh remain,)
Now partakers of Thy throne
Before Thy Father reign.
In Thy members here beneath
The Intercessor prays,
Here we in Thy Spirit breathe
The quintessence of praise,
Offer up our all to God,
And God beholds with gracious eyes
First the purchase of Thy blood,
And then our sacrifice.


Jesus, let Thy kingdom come
(Inspired by Thee we pray)
Previous to the general doom,
The everlasting day!
Take possession of Thine own;
And let us then our Saviour see
Glorious on Thy heavenly throne,
Through all eternity.


[May I throughout this day of Thine]

I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day. —i. 10.

May I throughout this day of Thine
Be in Thy Spirit, Lord,
Spirit of humble fear Divine
That trembles at Thy word,
Spirit of faith my heart to raise,
And fix on things above,
Spirit of sacrifice and praise,
Of holiness and love.


[Jesus, the first and last]

I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last. —i. 11.

Jesus, the first and last,
On Thee my soul is cast:
Thou didst Thy work begin
By blotting out my sin;
Thou wilt the root remove,
And perfect me in love.
Yet when the work is done,
The work is but begun:
Partaker of Thy grace,
I long to see Thy face;
The first I prove below,
The last I die to know.



[What but Thy right hand of power]

He laid His right hand upon me, saying unto, &c. —i. 17.

What but Thy right hand of power
(Power display'd in perfect love)
Can my confidence restore,
Can my torturing fear remove?
Lord, in this poor grovelling soul
Now Thy Spirit's power exert,
Now my unbelief control,
Purify and calm my heart.
Master, at Thy feet I wait,
Thy reviving voice to hear:
Raise me to my first estate,
Show Thyself the Finisher,
Perfect what Thou hast begun,
And when all my griefs are past,
And when all my work is done,
Glorify my soul at last.


[Happy the man, who poor and low]

I know thy works. —ii. 2.

Happy the man, who poor and low,
Less goodness in himself conceives
Than Christ doth of His servant know;
Who saved from self-reflection lives,
Unconscious of the grace bestow'd,
Simply resign'd, and lost in God.
Himself he cannot perfect call,
Or to the meanest saint prefer,
Meanest himself, and least of all:
And when the glorious character
His spotless soul with Christ receives,
His state—to that great day he leaves.



[Merciful God, vouchsafe to me]

To him that overcometh will I give to eat of, &c. —ii. 7.

Merciful God, vouchsafe to me
That last transcendent victory,
That crown of all Thy graces give,
And bid me in Thine image live,
Till wholly sanctified I rise,
To feast on Christ in paradise.
Christ is the Tree of life Divine;
I live indeed, if Christ be mine:
And when He doth Himself bestow,
My God as I am known, I know,
And all the life of glory prove,
For ever fill'd with heavenly love.


[Sinner, in thine own esteem]

I know thy...tribulation, and poverty, (but, &c. —ii. 9.

Sinner, in thine own esteem,
Poor and needy if thou art,
Rich thy title is with Him,
Searcher of the reins and heart;
Christ who gave, commends thy grace,
Deigns Himself the poor to praise.


[Thou, Lord, on whom I still depend]

Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give, &c. —ii. 10.

Thou, Lord, on whom I still depend,
Shalt keep me faithful to the end,
I trust, Thy truth and love and power
Shall save me till my latest hour,
And when I lay this body down,
Reward with an immortal crown.


[Jesus, in Thy great name I go]

He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the, &c. —ii. 11.

Jesus, in Thy great name I go,
To conquer death, my final foe,
And when I quit this cumbrous clay,
And soar on angels' wings away,


My soul the second death defies,
And reigns eternal in the skies.


[Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard]

To him that overcometh will I give to eat of, &c. —ii. 17.

Eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard
What Christ hath for His saints prepared,
Who conquer through their Saviour's might,
Who sink into perfection's height,
And trample death beneath their feet,
And gladly die their Lord to meet.
They on the hidden Manna feed,
The heavenly, true, angelic Bread,
Who gain'd on earth a partial taste
Of bliss too exquisite to last,
Obtain His fullest joy above,
And all the sweetness of His love.
Christ shall on them a name bestow
Which no embodied saint can know,
A new inexplicable name,
With God essentially the same!
And what it is they then conceive,
When Christ doth all His fulness give.
Dost Thou desire to know and see
What thy mysterious name shall be?
Contending for thy heavenly home,
Thy latest foe, in death o'ercome;
Till then thou searchest out in vain
What only conquest can explain.
But when the Lord hath closed thine eyes,
And open'd them in paradise,
Receiving thy new name unknown,
Thou read'st it wrote on the white stone,


Wrote on thy pure humanity
God Three in One and One in Three.


[Space to repent without the power]

I gave her space to repent. —ii. 21.

Space to repent without the power,
Lord, what would it avail?
But grace attends the added hour
To turn the hovering scale:
If still I slight Thy proffer'd grace,
The fault is mine alone;
Yet if Thy mercy I embrace,
The praise is all Thine own.


[Thou, Lord, who didst our faith bestow]

That which ye have already hold fast till I come. —ii. 25.

Thou, Lord, who didst our faith bestow,
Must give the power to hold it fast,
Undaunted in Thy steps to go
From the first conflict to the last,
Resolved to toil and suffer on,
Till Thou the second time appear,
Ascend Thy bright millennial throne,
And reign the King of glory here.


[Jesus, the Son of God, in Thee]

He that overcometh, and keepeth My works, &c. —ii. 26. 27.

Jesus, the Son of God, in Thee
I trust for that last victory,
And kept by my eternal Friend,
I keep Thy works, till life shall end,
Obedient unto death endure,
And find Thy richest promise sure.
So when Thou shalt on earth appear,
To fix Thy heavenly kingdom here,
I shall with my Redeemer join,
Partake the victory Divine,
And clothed with Thy resistless power
The Conqueror of the world adore.


With Thee in full paternal might
Vested, I shall go forth to fight,
Shall see the nations broke, subdued,
And scatter'd by Thine iron rod,
(Swift as the shiver'd vessel flies,)
And share the triumph of the skies.


[Jesus, Thou art that Morning-star!]

I will give him the morning star. —ii. 28.

Jesus, Thou art that Morning-star!
Thy brightness in my heart declare,
To me Thine only glory show,
Thine only Self on me bestow,
I want no other light to see,
No other stars or sun but Thee.
Who walk enlighten'd by Thy light
Their morn hath no succeeding night,
They by reflected lustre shine,
And bright in majesty Divine,
Admire with all those stars above,
The Light of life, the God of love.


[What good remains in me?]

Strengthen the things which remain, that are, &c. —iii. 2.

What good remains in me?
An impotent desire,
A spark of faint sincerity,
But ready to expire:
Father, Thy Spirit bestow;
I ask in Jesu's name,
And thus I strengthen it, and blow
The spark into a flame.
Lord, to Thy cross I flee
In my extreme distress,
And take the strength laid up on Thee
To help my feebleness:


Grace unto them that faint
Thou promisest to give,
And sure as grace supplies my want,
My dying soul shall live.


[Happy for ever happy I]

He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed, &c. —iii. 5.

Happy for ever happy I,
If suffer'd with my Lord to die!
O might I gain the victor's right,
The robe of pure unspotted white,
And wear the saints' celestial dress,
The Lord my glorious righteousness.
Soon as I win the vast reward,
The joy for conquerors prepared,
Wrote in the volume of the Lamb
Thou never wilt blot out my name,
But me before Thy Father own,
And rank with angels round Thy throne.


[Fain would I, Lord, the word receive]

Because thou hast kept the word of My patience, &c. —iii. 10.

Fain would I, Lord, the word receive
Which Thou didst to Thy followers give,
Would suffer in Thy righteous cause,
Daily take up Thy welcome cross,
Thy sorrow and reproach sustain,
And crucified with Thee remain.
Then shall the word on me take place,
The promise of preserving grace,
If still I in the body stay,
To see Thy great vindictive day,
When earth is by Thy fire devour'd,
And all Thy wrath on sinners pour'd.
Whoe'er the patient word retain,
And to that dreadful day remain,


Thy faithful love shall them conceal,
While all the world Thy judgments feel,
And Thy last plagues to sinners cry,
“Repent, or now—for ever die!”


[On this my patient soul I stay]

Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which, &c. —iii. 11.

On this my patient soul I stay,
My Saviour will not long delay:
I hold Thy faithful promise fast,
Till all my suffering days are past:
And if I to the end endure,
The crown prepared for me is sure.


[Saviour, on me the grace bestow]

Him that overcometh will I make a pillar, &c. —iii. 12.

Saviour, on me the grace bestow
To trample on my mortal foe,
Conqueror of death with Thee to rise,
And claim my station in the skies,
Fix'd as the throne which ne'er can move,
A pillar in Thy church above.
As beautiful, as useful there,
May I that weight of glory bear,
With all who finally o'ercome,
Supporters of the heavenly dome,
Of perfect holiness possest,
For ever in Thy presence blest.
Write upon me the Name Divine,
And let Thy Father's nature shine,
His image visibly exprest,
His glory pouring from my breast
O'er all my bright humanity,
Transform'd into the God I see.
Inscribing with the city's name
The heavenly new Jerusalem,


To me the victor's title give
Among Thy glorious saints to live,
And all their happiness to know,
A citizen of heaven below.
When Thou hadst all Thy foes o'ercome,
Returning to Thy glorious home,
Thou didst receive the full reward,
That I might share it with my Lord,
And thus Thine own new name obtain,
And one with Thee for ever reign.


['Twas thus, not yet awaken'd, dead]

Thou sayest, I am rich, &c. —iii. 17.

'Twas thus, not yet awaken'd, dead
In trespasses, I proudly said,
And in my sins went on;
When rich in forms, and outward good,
I never felt my guilty load,
Or knew myself undone.
But now my misery I confess,
I feel my total want of grace,
A needy sinner I!
Wretched, and blind, and stripp'd of all,
O save me, at Thy feet I call,
Or in my sins I die.


[Gladly I take Thy love's advice]

I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, &c. —iii. 18.

Gladly I take Thy love's advice,
While without money, without price,
I come Thy grace to buy,
Faith as the golden bullion pure,
Which can the fiery test endure,
And all my wants supply.


I come to buy that richest dress,
The saints' unspotted holiness,
The covering from above;
To swallow up my sinful shame,
Whate'er I have, whate'er I am,
In purity of love.
All things that I may clearly see,
The Spirit which proceeds from Thee,
The unction I implore:
O might I now the blessing gain,
The sight of Thee my Lord obtain,
And never lose it more.
Jesus, Thy promised Spirit impart,
To cure the blindness of my heart,
Mine unbelief to chase,
That I Thine open face may see,
And spend a blest eternity
In ecstasies of praise.


[It is the Lord, who doth not grieve]

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. —iii. 19.

It is the Lord, who doth not grieve,
Or needlessly reprove;
Saviour, I thankfully receive
The tokens of Thy love:
The tokens of Thy love I prize,
By answering Thine intent,
By listening to Thy rod that cries,
“Be zealous, and repent.”


[Jesus, I fain would find]

Be zealous. —iii. 19.

Jesus, I fain would find
Thy zeal for God in me,
Thy yearning pity for mankind,
Thy burning charity:


In me Thy Spirit dwell,
In me Thy bowels move,
So shall the fervour of my zeal
Be the pure flame of love.


[Saviour, I know Thy gracious will]

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if, &c. —iii. 20.

Saviour, I know Thy gracious will,
Thou waitest for admittance still,
Thy knock, Thy mercy's voice I hear,
And open wide my heart sincere,
I use the power my Lord doth give,
And gladly now Thyself receive.
Enter with all Thy fulness in,
And cast out this intruder sin,
Challenge Thy dear-bought property,
And pleased with what Thou bring'st to me,
(The good which comes from Thee alone,)
Vouchsafe to banquet on Thine own.
Nothing have I to offer Thee
But wretchedness and poverty:
O wouldst Thou in Thy servant find
The lowly, meek, and patient mind,
Dispread Thine image o'er my breast,
And on Thy own perfection feast.
Then should I with my Saviour sup,
To the third heaven at last caught up,
Obtain the bliss begun below,
(The bliss I now would die to know,)
Sit down, O King of saints, with Thee,
And feast to all eternity.


[Stupendous mystery of grace!]

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit, &c. —iii. 21.

Stupendous mystery of grace!
Shall one of Adam's sinful race,


Shall I, the sinners' chief, sit down,
With God, and His eternal Son,
And shine like Jesus glorified,
Triumphant at my Saviour's side!
Then let me meet my three-fold foe,
And conquering on to conquer go,
Arm'd with His sword, and mind, and name,
Who hell, the world, and sin o'ercame,
And get the final victory,
And die for Him, who died for me.
O Thou who hast the victory won,
Regard me from Thy Father's throne,
Regard my faith, (which is not mine,)
My humble confidence Divine,
That Thou wilt all my foes subdue,
And bring me more than conqueror through.
Full of the pure immortal hope,
I fill Thine after-sufferings up,
Conform'd to an expiring God,
I strive, resisting unto blood,
And mounting on Thy cross arise,
To share Thy throne above the skies.


[Lamb of God, Thy right we own]

Thou art worthy to take the book, and to, &c. —v. 9, 10.

Lamb of God, Thy right we own;
Worthy Thou, and Thou alone,
The mysterious book to' explain
Teeming with the fates of man,
Thou shalt open every seal,
Every prophecy fulfil.
Power executive is Thine:
Prodigal of blood Divine,


Thou hast dearly bought Thine own,
Laid the precious ransom down,
Given by Thy Father's grace,
Slain for all our helpless race.
We who in Thy death confide,
Conscious of Thy blood applied,
Now the gospel-blessing prove,
Fruit of Thy redeeming love,
Daily find in serving Thee,
Love is perfect liberty.
By the Spirit of Thy grace
Thy distinguish'd witnesses,
Out of all the worldly throng,
Every nation, tribe, and tongue,
Call'd, and separated for Thine,
Now we in Thine image shine.
Thou hast by Thy hallowing blood
Consecrated us to God,
And we in the holiest place,
Offer up our prayer and praise,
Ceaseless Abba Father cry,
Kings and priests of the Most-High.
Mightier joys ordain'd to know,
When Thou com'st to reign below,
We shall at Thy side sit down,
Partners of Thy great white throne,
Kings a thousand years with Thee,
Kings through all eternity.


[Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain]

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to, &c. —v. 12.

Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain
The power, and riches to obtain,


The wisdom, strength, and dignity,
The glory, Lord, is due to Thee,
The blessing by Thine angels given,
The seven-fold praise of earth and heaven!


[Father, to Thee and to the Lamb]

Every creature which is in heaven, and on, &c. —v. 13.

Father, to Thee and to the Lamb
Exalted above every name,
Is render'd now in various ways
Thy debt of universal praise;
And all in heaven, and earth, and sea,
And hell itself bow down to Thee.
Blessing to God the heavens cry,
And honour all on earth reply,
The sea with all therein adore
The matchless wonders of Thy power,
And all the hellish spirits below
The glory of Thy justice show.


[What doth that silence mean?]

There was silence in heaven. —viii. 1.

What doth that silence mean?
Can man or angel show?
Away this noisy world between,
And let me die to know!


[Now is the saints' salvation come]

Now is come salvation, and strength, and, &c. —xii. 10–12.

Now is the saints' salvation come,
The strength that slays that beast of Rome,
The kingdom of our God below,
The power of Christ against our foe,
Which forces Satan to submit,
For ever bruised beneath our feet.
Now the old dragon is o'erthrown,
The' accuser of the saints cast down,
The grand deceiver of mankind,
Who brought their secret sins to mind,


And charged them at the bar of God,
Till cover'd with their Saviour's blood.
But trusting in the martyr'd Lamb,
The witnesses their foe o'ercame,
The blood that calm'd their sprinkled hearts,
By that they quench'd his fiery darts,
And holding fast the sacred word
They slew him with the Spirit's sword.
Arm'd with the dear Redeemer's mind
Their lives they cheerfully resign'd,
Ambitious of the torturing flame,
They show'd the power of Jesu's name,
Rejoiced their faithfulness to prove,
And paid Him back His dying love.
Sing, ye inhabitants of heaven,
The kingdom to Messias given,
To' extol the power of love Divine
Let all His saints and angels join,
(While endless ages roll along,)
And shout the Lamb's triumphant song.


[By the blood of the Lamb]

By the blood of the Lamb
Our companions o'ercame;
And its virtue continues for ever the same.
The world, and its god
Shall again be subdued
By the virtue Divine of our Advocate's blood.
For all it was shed;
And He rose from the dead,
His atoning oblation for sinners to plead:
He prays for His own:
His blood shall pray on,
Till redeem'd from all sin we ascend to His throne.



[The smoke alas, must still ascend]

The smoke of their torment ascendeth up, &c. —xiv. 11.

The smoke alas, must still ascend,
And never will their torment end,
No respite can the damn'd obtain,
No interval of rest from pain:
Millions of years shall pass away,
Nor shorten the eternal day,
While still in blasphemies they own
Their punishment but just begun.
Vain, wretched man, whose fond desire
Would quench the everlasting fire,
Or teach it will not always last
After a course of æons past;
O mayst thou never, never know
The dark abyss of endless woe,
Or in its literal strictness feel
The truth of an eternal hell.



['Tis thus we in our manner say]

They have no rest day nor night. —xiv. 11.

'Tis thus we in our manner say,
They have no respite night or day,
For in eternal night shut up,
They have no day, no sun, no hope!


[The saints who die of Christ possest] from their labours; and their, &c. —xiv. 13.

The saints who die of Christ possest,
Enter into immediate rest;
For them no farther test remains
Of purging fires and torturing pains:
Who trusting in their Lord depart,
Cleansed from all sin, and pure in heart,
The bliss unmix'd, the glorious prize,
They find with Christ in paradise.
Close follow'd by their works they go,
Their Master's purchased joy to know;


Their works enhance the bliss prepared,
And each hath its distinct reward:
Yet glorified by grace alone
They cast their crowns before the throne,
And fill the echoing courts above
With praises of redeeming Love.


[Great and marvellous in grace]

Great and marvellous are Thy works, Lord God, &c. —xv. 3.

Great and marvellous in grace
Is our almighty Lord,
True and righteous are Thy ways
By all Thy works adored!
King of saints, Thy kingdom near
Judgments manifest proclaim,
Holy God, the world shall fear
And bless Thy glorious name.


[Let all the sons of light]

Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that, &c. —xvi. 15.

Let all the sons of light
Expect their Lord to come,
Unlook'd for, in the dead of night,
A sleeping world to doom:
Let all who Jesus know,
To meet their God prepare,
And pass their every hour below
In watching unto prayer.
Long as I watch, I keep
The blessing once bestow'd,
But forfeit, if again I sleep,
The richest grace of God;
Exposed and stripp'd of all
The' apostate's doom I feel,
And from perfection's summit fall
Into the deepest hell.



[Sing with glad anticipation]

Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. —xix. 6.

Sing with glad anticipation,
Mortals and immortals sing,
Jesus comes with full salvation,
Jesus doth His glory bring,
God omnipotent is King!


[Myself how shall I ready make?]

His wife hath made herself ready. —xix. 7.

Myself how shall I ready make?
Hold of Thy strength, O Christ, I take
By humble faith and love:
And while I in Thy wounds abide,
Thy hallowing blood prepares the bride,
To share the feast above.
I yield to be by Thee prepared
For all that unconceived reward
So dearly bought for me:
Thine image on my heart impress,
And God, and glory in Thy face
I shall for ever see.


[Can ye the Spirit's course confine]

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. —xix. 10.

Can ye the Spirit's course confine,
Or teach the Master whom to use?
Prophets to send, O Lord, is Thine;
And if Thou still the meanest choose,
Open our mouth, enlarge our heart,
To preach the all-redeeming God,
Thousands and myriads to convert,
And seal the record with our blood.


[Thou great, mysterious Three in One]

His name shall be in their foreheads. —xxii. 4.

Thou great, mysterious Three in One,
Thou art to all Thy people known,
Wrote on our hearts Thy name is Grace,
But Glory, written on our face!



[The church in her militant state]

The Spirit and the bride say, Come. —xxii. 17.

The church in her militant state
Is weary, and cannot forbear,
The saints in an agony wait
To see Him again in the air,
The Spirit invites, in the bride,
Her heavenly Lord to descend,
And place her enthroned at His side
In glory that never shall end.


[The news of His coming I hear]

And let him that heareth say, Come. —xxii. 17.

The news of His coming I hear,
And join in the catholic cry,
O Jesus, in triumph appear,
Appear on the clouds of the sky!
Whom only I languish to love,
With fulness of majesty come,
And give me a mansion above,
And take to my heavenly home.


[The thirsty are call'd to their Lord]

And let him that is athirst come. —xxii. 17.

The thirsty are call'd to their Lord,
His glorious appearing to see:
And drawn by the power of His word,
The promise, I know, is for me:
I thirst for the streams of Thy grace,
I gasp for the Spirit of love,
I long for a glimpse of Thy face,
And then to behold Thee above.
Thy call I exult to obey,
And come in the Spirit of prayer,
Thy joy in that happiest day
Thy kingdom of glory to share;
To drink the pure river of bliss,
With life everlasting o'erflow'd,


Implunged in the crystal abyss,
And lost in an ocean of God!


[A fountain of life and of grace]

Whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. —xxii. 17.

A fountain of life and of grace
In Christ our Redeemer we see;
For us who His offers embrace,
For all it is open and free!
Jehovah Himself doth invite
To drink of His pleasures unknown,
The streams of immortal delight,
That flow from His heavenly throne.
As soon as in Him we believe,
By faith of His Spirit we take,
And freely forgiven, receive
The mercy for Jesus's sake;
We gain a pure drop of His love,
The life of eternity know,
Angelical happiness prove,
And witness a heaven below.


[The promise is free]

The promise is free,
And accomplish'd shall be
In all that are thirsty and willing like me.
Made willing I am,
And, O Father, I claim
The water of life in my Advocate's name.
Obliged to impart
The Blessing Thou art,
And to open a Fountain of life in my heart:
Now let me receive
What Thou longest to give,
And in Jesus's Spirit eternally live.



[Jesus, come, my soul's Physician]

Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, &c. —xxii. 20.

Jesus, come, my soul's Physician,
Help afford,
Save me, Lord,
In my lost condition:
My poor soul is worse than sickly;
O draw nigh,
Ere I die,
Come, and save me quickly!


[Come, King of saints, so long conceal'd]

Come, King of saints, so long conceal'd,
In majesty Divine reveal'd
With glorious pomp, and heavenly power,
All things unto Thyself subdue,
Restore, create them all anew,
And reign when time shall be no more.
Shorten the great extreme distress,
Fulfil Thy largest promises,
For which the bride and Spirit groan:
Thy groan in all Thy creatures hear,
And now the' almighty Lord appear,
Appear on Thine eternal throne!


[Come, Thou everlasting Son]

Come, Thou everlasting Son,
Jesus, King of saints, appear;
On the great refulgent throne,
Manifest Thy Godhead here!
Lord of the new earth and skies,
Crown the venerable train;
Bid that final empire rise,
Present with Thine ancients reign.
Bridegroom of Thy church appear
Swift descending on the sky,


Thy own mind's Interpreter
Hear in Thy own members cry,
Banish'd from Thy face we mourn,
Cannot in Thine absence rest:
Bless us, Lord, with Thy return,
O receive us to Thy breast.
Hast Thou not prepared the place,
Fitted up the house for me;
Me, and all the dear-bought race,
All who cleave by faith to Thee?
Are we not Thy flesh and bone,
Born out of our Husband's side?
Come, and claim us for Thine own,
Quickly come to fetch Thy bride!


[Jesus, Thou dear redeeming Lord]

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with, &c. —xxii. 21.

Jesus, Thou dear redeeming Lord,
The kingdom of Thy peace restored
Let all Thy followers perceive,
And happy in Thy Spirit live,
Retain the grace with Thee bestow'd,
The favour, and the power of God.
Give all Thy saints to find in Thee
The fulness of the Deity,
His nature, life, and mind to prove
In perfect holiness and love;
Fountain of grace Thyself make known,
With God and man for ever one.
Still with and in Thy people dwell,
Thy gracious plenitude reveal,
Till coming with Thy heavenly train
We eye to eye behold the Man,
And share Thy majesty Divine,
And mount our thrones encircling Thine.